So its 7:00am and I just got off work... Last night/this morning was my first day working at Target! I took a nap afterspending the day at the comic book store, and work up at 8:00pm. I watched an hour of tv and headed out at 9:00pm. I went to starbucks... closed, FUCK YOU STARBUCKS! I NEEDED CAFFEENE! So then I went to Subway, where this retarded lady didn't know how to make a sandwhich... Like seriously she had 2 knives and she cut my bread with a dirty ass mayonase covered knife (I fucking HATE mayonase) as she let a pefectly good clean knife to the side and left it there... She put like a THOUSAND pieces of ham on it and then I say, "Salami..." and she speeks in whatever laguage everyone who worked there spoke. No one responded... after a while some one came and was like ham chee, salami chu (some number in whatever language they spoke) so she fixed it sorta... put cheese on, cut it, then like fliped it in the air 7 times to close it... at which point half the sandwhich feel out... she tried once to put it back... TRIED TO PUT STUFF IN THE SANDWHICH, and she failed... and just wraped it up. I couldn't even watch... fucking up a sandwhich is like watching rape for me... I'm Italian... I left in haste...
I got to work a few mins early so I just waited outside. As I was sitting in my car I saw a few people walk in without holding anything... So I left my sandwhich in my car... I didn't want to walk in and have a sandwhich and everyone else working say, "why do you have a sandwhich...." Seriously I just woudln't know what to say. When I was punching in it was my frist time. And the managers kept saying use code 020. Im thinking... do i use 020 or do i use 024? Because on the little guide sheet it said 024. They kept saying don't use 026 use 020. and I think "wtf?! what about 024?" Everyone was like COME ON MAN HURRY UP! And I was like ahhh! what code do I use?!
When I started I was unloading the semi truck for that night. It is the size of every huge truck you see on the highway that you want to kill because its so big. I want to kill it twice as hard now, because it's so big. The guy I was working with was a living breathing clone of the old indian guy in The 40 Year Old Virgin, Mooj.
Thats him, my guy was indian, his name was Norton and he was younger. 50% of his vocab was fuck, 25% boss, and the other 25% watch it. A typical sentence he would say was, "Fuck watch it boss... fuck." In the orientation video they said "Don't drop things, they might break." Norton said, "Just drop the shit, fuck it, just drop it, knock it down." As he took hold of one of the lower boxes and pulled down 20 other boxes, breaking things inevitably... One time there were two tubs of kitty litter on top of these boxes and he could have A. died or B. bused them both open and gotten kitty litter everywhere... B. occured and no one said anything... Soooo... Im just going to drop shit... When I was about half way done I thought to myself, "wow it's gotta be like 2am already, If I'm lucky when I'm done it will be 3am!" Later I looked at my phone... it was 11pm... I killed my body, every part of me was in pain, my legs ROASTED, my thighs TOASTED AND THEN SOME, my back FUCKED UP, and I was only working for an hour... Tommarow there are 2 trucks... fucking shoot me now....
Later I got stuck with a guy stocking food... Not too bad, more or less easy match up the numbers and shit. C14 6-3-2, means isle 14, 6 blocks down, 3 rows up, and 2... is just there chillin... My super supervisor came and said "you ok?" and then proceeded to quiz me on things I should be doing. I OWNED the quiz... I think she likes me =D (as in I'm a good worker...). When we had a break I was SOOOO hungry... But my sandwhich was in my car =(. I went back to work... and then wanted to eat the stuff I was stocking... Earlyer the guy teaching me said "Don't eat the food" I thought to myself "Who the hell would eat the food..." PEOPLE LIKE ME WHO DIDNT EAT THEIR LUNCH AND WERE HUNGRY LIKE A FUCKERRRR!!!! So that sucked... Other than that it was pritty uneventful...
So now its 7:00, actually its 7:52, I just finished eating my busted ass sandwhich... Which tasted amazing because I was so hungry I was going to kill myself... Uhhh I guess thats it...
And now to my fav pics in the most recent sets.

I got to work a few mins early so I just waited outside. As I was sitting in my car I saw a few people walk in without holding anything... So I left my sandwhich in my car... I didn't want to walk in and have a sandwhich and everyone else working say, "why do you have a sandwhich...." Seriously I just woudln't know what to say. When I was punching in it was my frist time. And the managers kept saying use code 020. Im thinking... do i use 020 or do i use 024? Because on the little guide sheet it said 024. They kept saying don't use 026 use 020. and I think "wtf?! what about 024?" Everyone was like COME ON MAN HURRY UP! And I was like ahhh! what code do I use?!
When I started I was unloading the semi truck for that night. It is the size of every huge truck you see on the highway that you want to kill because its so big. I want to kill it twice as hard now, because it's so big. The guy I was working with was a living breathing clone of the old indian guy in The 40 Year Old Virgin, Mooj.

Thats him, my guy was indian, his name was Norton and he was younger. 50% of his vocab was fuck, 25% boss, and the other 25% watch it. A typical sentence he would say was, "Fuck watch it boss... fuck." In the orientation video they said "Don't drop things, they might break." Norton said, "Just drop the shit, fuck it, just drop it, knock it down." As he took hold of one of the lower boxes and pulled down 20 other boxes, breaking things inevitably... One time there were two tubs of kitty litter on top of these boxes and he could have A. died or B. bused them both open and gotten kitty litter everywhere... B. occured and no one said anything... Soooo... Im just going to drop shit... When I was about half way done I thought to myself, "wow it's gotta be like 2am already, If I'm lucky when I'm done it will be 3am!" Later I looked at my phone... it was 11pm... I killed my body, every part of me was in pain, my legs ROASTED, my thighs TOASTED AND THEN SOME, my back FUCKED UP, and I was only working for an hour... Tommarow there are 2 trucks... fucking shoot me now....
Later I got stuck with a guy stocking food... Not too bad, more or less easy match up the numbers and shit. C14 6-3-2, means isle 14, 6 blocks down, 3 rows up, and 2... is just there chillin... My super supervisor came and said "you ok?" and then proceeded to quiz me on things I should be doing. I OWNED the quiz... I think she likes me =D (as in I'm a good worker...). When we had a break I was SOOOO hungry... But my sandwhich was in my car =(. I went back to work... and then wanted to eat the stuff I was stocking... Earlyer the guy teaching me said "Don't eat the food" I thought to myself "Who the hell would eat the food..." PEOPLE LIKE ME WHO DIDNT EAT THEIR LUNCH AND WERE HUNGRY LIKE A FUCKERRRR!!!! So that sucked... Other than that it was pritty uneventful...
So now its 7:00, actually its 7:52, I just finished eating my busted ass sandwhich... Which tasted amazing because I was so hungry I was going to kill myself... Uhhh I guess thats it...
And now to my fav pics in the most recent sets.

I once worked as a shelf stocker at a scottish supermarket during 'hogmany' (new year). I was replenishing the alcohol!!! Mother Fucker, I didn't realise how much us Scots actually drink until I did that!
Your job sounds a wee bit more challenging, I mean physical! You're gonna be ripped, if you're not already!
Those fuckers at subway get it wrong for me too, it's all the more frustrating when you're so hungry you could eat someone's face!
Oh, it's UMD that I go to...University of Maryland in College Park, I teach and am on the grad program there! Graduating far too soon!
Hope you have a better day soon!
Thanks for the comments on my work! Appreciated!