Greetings pals and gals!
Offta, I just worked a dang 15 or so hour shift between my two jobs!! ahhhh! Im suuuper tired! But I left with 50 in tips! I be workin the moose country, to the MN peeps
Hmm, can I handle a full time job AND a part timer? I dont know, havent gotten too tired yet.
So Ive recently been talking to my ex, I was with him for 4 1/2 years. I have hung out with him once and we made out, haha. But I dont know whats going to be going on with us, I dont know if were gunna end up giving it another go or just being friends I dunno. I do still have feelings for him, of course. Im over why we broke up and all that, wasnt our time at the moment. The freaky-correct tarot reader (Tarot by Toni) here at our Renaissance Festival told me that we would be together for a long time and not to rush into things, listen to each other. Of course two months after that reading was when we broke up >_<; But maybe we will get a second chance. I dont know!! Of course all my friends and family hate him cause of what happened in our break up, but of course they would be on my side with things. No one knows we are hanging out yet, but should it matter what other people think? Life is all about chances right? Whether they be first ones, or second ones
we will have to see.
And it is almost time for me to get a new set up and running!!! Im soooo excited! I hope you all like it! I might call it "Under the Bridge" or "Down by the River" even though you cant really see the river, haha. Heres a sneaky peak for you guys!!

xoxo Anastassia
Offta, I just worked a dang 15 or so hour shift between my two jobs!! ahhhh! Im suuuper tired! But I left with 50 in tips! I be workin the moose country, to the MN peeps

So Ive recently been talking to my ex, I was with him for 4 1/2 years. I have hung out with him once and we made out, haha. But I dont know whats going to be going on with us, I dont know if were gunna end up giving it another go or just being friends I dunno. I do still have feelings for him, of course. Im over why we broke up and all that, wasnt our time at the moment. The freaky-correct tarot reader (Tarot by Toni) here at our Renaissance Festival told me that we would be together for a long time and not to rush into things, listen to each other. Of course two months after that reading was when we broke up >_<; But maybe we will get a second chance. I dont know!! Of course all my friends and family hate him cause of what happened in our break up, but of course they would be on my side with things. No one knows we are hanging out yet, but should it matter what other people think? Life is all about chances right? Whether they be first ones, or second ones

And it is almost time for me to get a new set up and running!!! Im soooo excited! I hope you all like it! I might call it "Under the Bridge" or "Down by the River" even though you cant really see the river, haha. Heres a sneaky peak for you guys!!

xoxo Anastassia
Good luck with your new set!
I hate card readers...just sayin :p