Hey hey ya'll!!!
Ive been really busy with work! I usally only have time to sit and look at facebook for a bit! Ooofta! This month has been busy and shall remain busy!
So I told you guys about the awesome house I moved into. Well bad news, one of my roommates is pregnant and she was gunna move out because of it, but then told us that she was going to renew the lease meaning there will be a damn baby living here. Now she is moving to the room in the basement, but everyone in the house is 22-25 and come on! we dont need a baby running around. I am going to be signing a 6 month lease and then see where it goes from there, she will have just had the baby by then. I have nothing against babies, but I dont need to live with one and have to worry about trying to be quiet. My rent is 300 and my room is huge! I would really hate to give it up!
Now my best friends bday is tomorrow so it should be a good time! We went out this past tuesday and shes having a party tomorrow. ANNND my bday is the 27th!! I cant wait! The 26th is bday tuesday at a restaurant by my house and I get free rail drinks! so I am so excited! I actually have some people coming!
Ill post pictures for you guys! Ill be 24! Ahhhh!
And last but not least, my guy troubles! haha, I dont remember if i had mentioned my new guy that im "dating" but i guess im hanging out with this guy, he wanted top be friends with benefits and it was fine for a bit and now this past tuesday i had told him that i didnt know what we were and what was going on, so we had a talk yesterday and it seems to be going into a good place for now i guess. but i did meet a guy this past saturday as well and hes super nice, i havent had a chance to go on a date yet, but the first guy was informed that i am talking to other guys, i just have to let the second guy know. Ugh why cant i just have one guy feel the same way about me that i do about them? Why does it have to be so complicated?!
And there is one more thing for you guys. I am going to have my friend do some pics for me for another set, maybe outside? I love shooting outside! It will be exciting!! And here are some more pictures she did of me, from a horror shoot
and a "prom shoot"
<3 Anastassia

Ive been really busy with work! I usally only have time to sit and look at facebook for a bit! Ooofta! This month has been busy and shall remain busy!
So I told you guys about the awesome house I moved into. Well bad news, one of my roommates is pregnant and she was gunna move out because of it, but then told us that she was going to renew the lease meaning there will be a damn baby living here. Now she is moving to the room in the basement, but everyone in the house is 22-25 and come on! we dont need a baby running around. I am going to be signing a 6 month lease and then see where it goes from there, she will have just had the baby by then. I have nothing against babies, but I dont need to live with one and have to worry about trying to be quiet. My rent is 300 and my room is huge! I would really hate to give it up!
Now my best friends bday is tomorrow so it should be a good time! We went out this past tuesday and shes having a party tomorrow. ANNND my bday is the 27th!! I cant wait! The 26th is bday tuesday at a restaurant by my house and I get free rail drinks! so I am so excited! I actually have some people coming!

And last but not least, my guy troubles! haha, I dont remember if i had mentioned my new guy that im "dating" but i guess im hanging out with this guy, he wanted top be friends with benefits and it was fine for a bit and now this past tuesday i had told him that i didnt know what we were and what was going on, so we had a talk yesterday and it seems to be going into a good place for now i guess. but i did meet a guy this past saturday as well and hes super nice, i havent had a chance to go on a date yet, but the first guy was informed that i am talking to other guys, i just have to let the second guy know. Ugh why cant i just have one guy feel the same way about me that i do about them? Why does it have to be so complicated?!
And there is one more thing for you guys. I am going to have my friend do some pics for me for another set, maybe outside? I love shooting outside! It will be exciting!! And here are some more pictures she did of me, from a horror shoot

<3 Anastassia

Love the makeup job on those pictures. You look freaking awesome. I hope you have a blast at your friends birthday party. As for yourself, happy early birthday to you to. I wish I was turning 24 on my birthday. I will be 30 and I am dreading it. I hope things continue to improve in your love life and you find someone who equally reciprocates the feelings you do!