Hi all!
Havent been able to update cause Ive been busy with work and other things! Thanks for putting Risky Business up to 700 comments! It may not be the most it could get, but its the most Ive gotten so far, so thanks everyone who commented!
So two weeks ago it snowed balls here in MN, we got like 3 feet and on this past monday, another couple inches or so, so we dont need anymore snow! ugh! i dont like it very much, though i should go tubing one of these days, that might be fun. of course i dont really have the kind of gear to go tubing. Yeah, i live in MN and done own a pair of good gloves or snow pants!! lol. but I bet there are a lot!
So xmas around the corner...should be great....NOT. its just another day to me! I work tomorrow til 430 and have pretty much been working all week at 8 or 830, it sucks! But next week I have tuesday, wednesday, friday and saturday off! yay!
So, ha, its my mission in this blog to start each subject with so! I got another tattoo about two weeks ago, haha cause my mom doesnt know about it and i bet she would tear me a new one! but its awesome! its three orchids next to the portrait of said mom, its sweet! ill post pics soon! and im getting at least a 400 dollar bonus check from work this year, yeah i get those now cause im salary, yay! so guess what im doing?? can anyone say half sleeve? whoopi!!! im excited. the orchids are part one! well really part two, portrait was part one!
SOoooooo anyway. i hung out with guy twice now that a friend from work hooked me up with, theyre in a band together (i, corvinus) and hes totally my type and really nice and all. we've hung out only twice...and almost slept together twice with actually sleeping together once....lol. its so complicated! i hate dating! i have this midset where if i like someone, i like only them and no one else at the same time and it sucks! cause i dont know if he just want sex and stuff like that even though both him and our mutual friend have told me that he's not like that....but still. its UGH! I wish i wasnt that type of person! but then if i was then i would like that person either. but im toooo loyal, which always seems to work out bad in my favor.
well anyway, im gunna get going. gotta shower and zip out to the mall to exchange an awesome dress i bought yesterday for a different price, if i can find it!
Havent been able to update cause Ive been busy with work and other things! Thanks for putting Risky Business up to 700 comments! It may not be the most it could get, but its the most Ive gotten so far, so thanks everyone who commented!
So two weeks ago it snowed balls here in MN, we got like 3 feet and on this past monday, another couple inches or so, so we dont need anymore snow! ugh! i dont like it very much, though i should go tubing one of these days, that might be fun. of course i dont really have the kind of gear to go tubing. Yeah, i live in MN and done own a pair of good gloves or snow pants!! lol. but I bet there are a lot!
So xmas around the corner...should be great....NOT. its just another day to me! I work tomorrow til 430 and have pretty much been working all week at 8 or 830, it sucks! But next week I have tuesday, wednesday, friday and saturday off! yay!
So, ha, its my mission in this blog to start each subject with so! I got another tattoo about two weeks ago, haha cause my mom doesnt know about it and i bet she would tear me a new one! but its awesome! its three orchids next to the portrait of said mom, its sweet! ill post pics soon! and im getting at least a 400 dollar bonus check from work this year, yeah i get those now cause im salary, yay! so guess what im doing?? can anyone say half sleeve? whoopi!!! im excited. the orchids are part one! well really part two, portrait was part one!
SOoooooo anyway. i hung out with guy twice now that a friend from work hooked me up with, theyre in a band together (i, corvinus) and hes totally my type and really nice and all. we've hung out only twice...and almost slept together twice with actually sleeping together once....lol. its so complicated! i hate dating! i have this midset where if i like someone, i like only them and no one else at the same time and it sucks! cause i dont know if he just want sex and stuff like that even though both him and our mutual friend have told me that he's not like that....but still. its UGH! I wish i wasnt that type of person! but then if i was then i would like that person either. but im toooo loyal, which always seems to work out bad in my favor.
well anyway, im gunna get going. gotta shower and zip out to the mall to exchange an awesome dress i bought yesterday for a different price, if i can find it!

It could still happen, I have faith.
Let it play out... You just never know.