Ok... so I usually dont know how people can post on these allll the time because there is rarely anything to say.
but i guess i will think of some stuff to stay to keep up on my blogs, because i really want to be pink after i shoot with writeboy, which is in 2 weeks!!!
but sad sad news as of right now. so i made an appoinment to get my car checked out before me and my friend drive down to chicago, and then today when i go to start my car to go to the store with my boyfriend, and lo and behold, it doesnt start!!! so calling my mom for a half an hour, her boyfriend comes over and says i need a new battery! ugh my stupid car! i kind of knew i needed a new battery cause it was doing funny things in the summer but then it stopped for a couple months, so i thought it was fine. hope i dont have to spend too much of pretty penny on other things when i go to my car appoinment!

its such a nice day and now im stuck inside cause my car wont start, which sucks cause i work so much during the week i dont know how im going to get there! i work a ot cause i got promoted to assistant manager at work!
ok i guess, at least i get more money! so maybe i can move out next year! we will see, we can only hope!
<3 Anastassia

but sad sad news as of right now. so i made an appoinment to get my car checked out before me and my friend drive down to chicago, and then today when i go to start my car to go to the store with my boyfriend, and lo and behold, it doesnt start!!! so calling my mom for a half an hour, her boyfriend comes over and says i need a new battery! ugh my stupid car! i kind of knew i needed a new battery cause it was doing funny things in the summer but then it stopped for a couple months, so i thought it was fine. hope i dont have to spend too much of pretty penny on other things when i go to my car appoinment!

its such a nice day and now im stuck inside cause my car wont start, which sucks cause i work so much during the week i dont know how im going to get there! i work a ot cause i got promoted to assistant manager at work!

<3 Anastassia