So yeah, heres an update. (i will put up pictures soon too of my gifts!
Well I have had a cold since christmas
but it is not THAT bad. but it figures, as soon as i get my health insurance, i get a damn cold!!! it HAS to go away before new years eve cause Ive got something special planned for the boyfriend
which includes a sexy outfit (possible pic coming soon) so i really want it to go away. plus after the first, im getting my philtrum repierced because of the giant bump that would not go away. and i cant be sick when i get it pierced cause that can interfere with the healing, which better heal this time!!
for christmas i got a lot of awesome stuff! i got a twlight new moon shirt, windshield wipers (which i asked for hehe) body lotion and spray from victorias secret, fuzzy socks, and gift cards from forever 21, barnes and noble, amazon.com, gas at super america, target, kohls, hot topic, caribou and victorias secret!

totalling over $200. this is awsome because of all the hardship with my bills. I spent my amazon gift card last night and got a portable cd player for my car (it has a tape player so i have the adapter
) and i also got an awesome purse that says punk rock on it, and 4 nose studs including one that has a pentacle on it, and two belly rings! hehehe. my bf also got me these awesome DC villain shoes! 
and a twilight necklace that has the "edward" in a heart and cullen crest. hehe its awesome cause his name is edward too!
i have to pay around $600 a month just on my loans, not to mention if i have other straggling bills such as car insurance, credit card bills, and health insurance. oi what a life >_> life sucks sometime. i really want to move in with my boyfriend this next year, but I dont think it will ever happen.
well there was the update! and i will put of pictures soon!!! i want to put of pics of the stuff i got hehe. but i gotta put pics up when im not sick!
i hope 2010 is the year for me. i really really do! especially for me and my bf, it will be dawning on year 4 for us
we will just have to see!
So yeah, heres an update. (i will put up pictures soon too of my gifts!

Well I have had a cold since christmas

for christmas i got a lot of awesome stuff! i got a twlight new moon shirt, windshield wipers (which i asked for hehe) body lotion and spray from victorias secret, fuzzy socks, and gift cards from forever 21, barnes and noble, amazon.com, gas at super america, target, kohls, hot topic, caribou and victorias secret!

well there was the update! and i will put of pictures soon!!! i want to put of pics of the stuff i got hehe. but i gotta put pics up when im not sick!
i hope 2010 is the year for me. i really really do! especially for me and my bf, it will be dawning on year 4 for us

thank you for the nice comments on my set