So my very first (not the greatest, mind you) set will be out as of 6:29 am on this say of the 19th. (so what if its 11:30 pm the 18th, whatever) Hope you like it!!! If there be comments, let them be of the poses, facial expressions, all that jazz, because I know the photography is not the most fabulous, but it shall do for a first set, not knowing what I was doing.
My second set will be much better and will be out in January. Hope you like my set!
Busy day tomorrow/today!!! I got work at the Macys downtown in the Christmas display, though its not open to the public til Saturday, I have a 10-3 shift then off to my other job from 4-10:30 and then.......at 12am.....TWILIGHT NEW MOON!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my goshness I cant wait! Im sooooo excited! Woo!!!!!!
then Friday work 10-3 and 4-10:30 again >_> oh wells I need the money like whoa! I gots my damn foresaken loans coming in this month/Dec.
Well thats it for now!!! <3
btw, i wish i photoshopped alllll the pictures >_> merf!
So my very first (not the greatest, mind you) set will be out as of 6:29 am on this say of the 19th. (so what if its 11:30 pm the 18th, whatever) Hope you like it!!! If there be comments, let them be of the poses, facial expressions, all that jazz, because I know the photography is not the most fabulous, but it shall do for a first set, not knowing what I was doing.

Busy day tomorrow/today!!! I got work at the Macys downtown in the Christmas display, though its not open to the public til Saturday, I have a 10-3 shift then off to my other job from 4-10:30 and then.......at 12am.....TWILIGHT NEW MOON!!!!!!!!!!

then Friday work 10-3 and 4-10:30 again >_> oh wells I need the money like whoa! I gots my damn foresaken loans coming in this month/Dec.

Well thats it for now!!! <3

Best of luck with your set! Hope you get some good feedback and all that good stuff 

Love the set!!!!