Hallo everybody!
My name's Anastasia,
this is my first time on the web and I feel very emotioned.
I'm a singer song writer and I'm terribly fascinated by the Irish traditional folk music and the English rock.
My favourite rock groups are the Radiohead and the Muse.
I'm very interested of theathre and any kind of art: I do love acting, dancing and playing the piano.
I'm completely addicted to piercings and tattooes, so much that I find it impossible to give up doing new ones.
Is this a special kinda drug?
Could somebody give me an answer, a solution
to fill up my space?
My name's Anastasia,
this is my first time on the web and I feel very emotioned.
I'm a singer song writer and I'm terribly fascinated by the Irish traditional folk music and the English rock.
My favourite rock groups are the Radiohead and the Muse.
I'm very interested of theathre and any kind of art: I do love acting, dancing and playing the piano.
I'm completely addicted to piercings and tattooes, so much that I find it impossible to give up doing new ones.
Is this a special kinda drug?
Could somebody give me an answer, a solution
to fill up my space?

oh ma benvenyta!!!!
Molte grazie!