Hi guys!
That's Xmas again
"another year over a new one just begun"...
Do you remember John Lennon?
Well, as for me I just came back from Dublin where I spent ten marvellous, fantastic, wondeful days ...
I want to get back!!!
H's been such a great experience...getting drunk every night, falling in love with an Irish boy, singing and dancing tunes and carrols all day long...
And now I'm back again, walking in the rain, thinking about him and Ireland too.
Will he call me anymore?
Could he remember the time we spent together?
I wish so so much...
Colin, I miss you!!!
Ok boys, that's my "message in a bottle", do you think it'll work?
Well, say a little pray for me!!
Gosh it's late and time to go so kisses,
kisses, kisses, lipstick kisses everybody, Merry Xmas and Happy new year...
And enjoy my new tats!

Thanx for the Lennon quote, the Holidays would be much brighter if he was still with us.