Ugh. It is voting day today here. We have a choice (????!) of a thin lipped thinly disguised dictator/financial expert Conservative, a vocal argumentative unibrowed Liberal with a questionable loyalty and a cancer addled New Democrat with vaguely discernable skills.
In my own riding my candidates are actually more personable and seemingly more qualified so the vote is narrowed down to two options. But then the options for who is running the government is again left in doubt. I am very very conflicted! Do I vote to keep the guy that has kept us afloat but has an underlying hidden agenda that includes war mongering, gagged media and an obvious bias toward women, mothers and homosexuals? The best solution for the whole mess is to either fire the lot of them or retain the minority goverment that we have had over the last few years. Keep the evil dictator suppressed and in control by policing his movements with the less parties to maintain his "financial expert" facade. Not ideal but until they find new candidates with some sort of merit....... *sigh*
I can see us (the collective country) having to vote AGAIN in a few short months. If Canada spent what we spend on frikking useless elections there would be no national debt for crying out loud. I think all the candidates that are running should be held accountable for the HUGE bill that they are inflicting on the public needlessly. Actually the Parties should - they are the ones that chose the suspect leaders of their parties.
Yuck. What an awful way to wake up. I hate politics as much as I hate math.
Neeeeeeed chocolate.
In my own riding my candidates are actually more personable and seemingly more qualified so the vote is narrowed down to two options. But then the options for who is running the government is again left in doubt. I am very very conflicted! Do I vote to keep the guy that has kept us afloat but has an underlying hidden agenda that includes war mongering, gagged media and an obvious bias toward women, mothers and homosexuals? The best solution for the whole mess is to either fire the lot of them or retain the minority goverment that we have had over the last few years. Keep the evil dictator suppressed and in control by policing his movements with the less parties to maintain his "financial expert" facade. Not ideal but until they find new candidates with some sort of merit....... *sigh*
I can see us (the collective country) having to vote AGAIN in a few short months. If Canada spent what we spend on frikking useless elections there would be no national debt for crying out loud. I think all the candidates that are running should be held accountable for the HUGE bill that they are inflicting on the public needlessly. Actually the Parties should - they are the ones that chose the suspect leaders of their parties.
Yuck. What an awful way to wake up. I hate politics as much as I hate math.
Neeeeeeed chocolate.
Majority?! This is bad... verrrrrrry bad.....
Shhh. Tactical Go back to cheering about Osama or something, will you! Silly American.. oh wait.. I know a whole bunch of Americans and I don't hold it against them. Cuz I am open minded like that. *coff, coff*
Oh we have all the same messes, thelaughingwolf. After all, politicians are human... aren't they? Hmmm.. maybe not. I mean look at Harper! Now there is a cyborg zombie demon if I ever saw one. We must at the very least have the same hidden puppet masters pulling the strings. Oh, and I did get chocolate. But then I saw the results and now there isn't any more. Boo. Time to go to bed and have nightmares.
Smaptie I am not going to vote like I am a princess and match my outfit to my party. Besides. I am not an Autumn. I am a Winter. Though I do look nice in green. It has to be pure green though with no hints of yellow or my skin looks sallow... la la la... damn I am slipping into Princessy speak!! Look what you made me do! Smaptie!! Aggggggh.
theaceface Wow! You noticed already! Huh. I didn't think any one would notice. Umm.... I was in a purging kind of mood? I also went through my friend list but you will notice that you survived that.
Oh no, kratzkratz1. The Dumbs won! And L'imbicile was skunked so bad he is stepping down, poor thing. And Elizabeth May was still genuinely smiling. Do you think she went back stage with some of the Marijuana Party? I would and I don't partake whatsoever.
You are right Shabs we should just hang on to those signs. And then invoice the MAJORITY government for producing them over and over again. Along with the cost of multiple elections.... *if* (ha!) we get all that money reimbursed... maybe we can buy Harper a soul? Is that possible? And btw.. if that is what you intend for the next time we hang out.. *shudder* Ewwwwww... just so you know there is not enough blue alcohol to improve that discussion.
Whew. I think I caught up. I never thought I would be discussing politics on SG and then to actually enjoy it is something else entirely. Huh.
And you are a pretty little princess.