So recently I have been a little down about a few things, which has spun into Depression. Great!... I know.
So much that I've been looking anywhere for some kind of guidance, my Horoscope included which I normally scoff at but, this time it told me to look to my dreams for answers.
Well, the answer I got from it was to become a lesbian game show host... Which I'm not against, oddly enough. I've always said that I was "not quite straight as an arrow"
Either that, or it was directing me to the "concept" that was presented in said Lesbo-Game-Show-Host dream. Which was really cool, and FUCKING OUT THERE! No, I'm not going to share what it was, but I might start looking into what one might do to go about...Things.
Bye for now!

So much that I've been looking anywhere for some kind of guidance, my Horoscope included which I normally scoff at but, this time it told me to look to my dreams for answers.
Well, the answer I got from it was to become a lesbian game show host... Which I'm not against, oddly enough. I've always said that I was "not quite straight as an arrow"

Bye for now!

lol I hope I can hear the concept some time...and wait, youll be the only lesbian? Seems a bit selfish...if I were you Id try to fill the show with lesbians 

Meh, that changes the concept entirely, and morphs it into something mundane.