For the 10th time, i re-read Nietzsche's "The will to power", followed by Inescapable Enuui". And i finally understandwhy people literally torture themselves with ethical and moral quandaries in self-created dungeons that ultimately never matter. And the anti-ideologists, those who simply don't play by those rules because those rules are arbitrary; they exist only in the social-mindset...they are the crazy, the schizophrenics, the pedaphilles and the sociopaths.
When we conclude that we each only get one life, the goal becomes painfully obvious and unpleasant . Humans are the gods, but the corporal package is a powerful dichotomy, real powerful. Worm and god side by side. We need no higher power for justification or success, only the desire and willpower. Each human life has the potential, but unless one strives to be a god ...they are only a worm.
When we conclude that we each only get one life, the goal becomes painfully obvious and unpleasant . Humans are the gods, but the corporal package is a powerful dichotomy, real powerful. Worm and god side by side. We need no higher power for justification or success, only the desire and willpower. Each human life has the potential, but unless one strives to be a god ...they are only a worm.

i have a pirate obsession.