I was celebrating my departure from Second Cup this weekend, so I went out on both Friday and Saturday. I'm adorable when I drink. (though I am always adorable. and modest.) Why am I adorable?
Killer style. Slightly shy. Slightly coy. Slightly flirtatous. Casual touches on the arms. Conversations about Salman Rushdie, Anais Nin, yet still being able to be less serious and talk about something like The Simpsons. Able to explain all my thoughts with a voice that captures the ear...
Goodmorning and goodnight...
Killer style. Slightly shy. Slightly coy. Slightly flirtatous. Casual touches on the arms. Conversations about Salman Rushdie, Anais Nin, yet still being able to be less serious and talk about something like The Simpsons. Able to explain all my thoughts with a voice that captures the ear...
Goodmorning and goodnight...
I have been disappointed, though, by the lack of support that our liberal governors, senators, and representatives have paid to these individuals. It is not enough to say that you do not support a Constitutional ammendment; we need our reps that actually agree with the action that is being taken to stand up and say so. But if you just want to save yer arse, I guess you keep quiet
I want to take a Political Ideologies class...