The world has apparently gone crazy, or I've just gotten sane. Which do I believe? Maybe the former, maybe the latter.
I'll explain. Every time I wander through downtown, I seem to be confronted by another person seeking to tell me their sob story. Does this happen to everyone, or just me? For example, I've been told about a hundred divorces, and social alienation, depression, medication use, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, etc, etc.
Not that I mind hearing about people's problems, I'm pretty immune to it getting me down and I still remain emphathetic to them. I'd rather them have somebody they feel they can talk to then to talk to no one at all. It's just making me rethink maybe the career choice I've made, maybe I would of made a good social worker.
I've been ignoring my research paper. It's only suppose to be 3 pages long and I can write that in my sleep, but I hope it's not a developing trend. I think maybe I've been doing too many things, so it's time to put some things off to the side. This will allow me to get more sleep, which I never get enough of anyway, and concentrate more on school.
Band of the Day : Four Tet & Hawksley Workman
Questions :
Is my penis too big?
What is perfect amount of times to spank a individual in a given session?
Handcuffs or silkrope or both?
I'll explain. Every time I wander through downtown, I seem to be confronted by another person seeking to tell me their sob story. Does this happen to everyone, or just me? For example, I've been told about a hundred divorces, and social alienation, depression, medication use, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, etc, etc.
Not that I mind hearing about people's problems, I'm pretty immune to it getting me down and I still remain emphathetic to them. I'd rather them have somebody they feel they can talk to then to talk to no one at all. It's just making me rethink maybe the career choice I've made, maybe I would of made a good social worker.
I've been ignoring my research paper. It's only suppose to be 3 pages long and I can write that in my sleep, but I hope it's not a developing trend. I think maybe I've been doing too many things, so it's time to put some things off to the side. This will allow me to get more sleep, which I never get enough of anyway, and concentrate more on school.
Band of the Day : Four Tet & Hawksley Workman
Questions :
Is my penis too big?
What is perfect amount of times to spank a individual in a given session?
Handcuffs or silkrope or both?
-How big is too big?
-Blood, welts, or tears are a good sign of too much spankage
-tonight we love, lets use silk, tomorrow we rough it, ill bring the cuffs, you grab the paddle
1. yes.
2. 11
3. handcuffs.