I've commited myself to nothing and everything at the same time. I think that's the way I usually do things. I attempt to do everything at once, and sometimes fall flat on my face getting nothing done in return. So I'm writing a research paper, studying for exams, looking for a job, writing a novel, drawing and painting, making cd's for birthdays and still trying to find time to eat and attempt to sleep. Ahhhh, the life of a insomniac.
Update on my apperance. No school boy today. But I had concerns over looking good today because of job interviews. So I wore my black wool pants, white dress shirt with blue vertical pinstrips, black knit sweater and my brown suede jacket. I almost didn't make it past the mirror. I'm actually just a slave to fashion, I may be adorable, but it might just be the clothing.
I have a love affair going with breasts lately. Which is unusual because I am so in love with legs that breasts are usually further done on the list. It's not with humongous breasts either, just small shapely ones. (not huge on the massive breasts, but I still appreciate them.) I'm trying to trace back the origins of my obsession, probably the girl with the red shirt. I'll countinue to post on my progress.
Side Note : my favorite part of the female body is still the nape of the neck and the space between the shoulder blades.
Update on my apperance. No school boy today. But I had concerns over looking good today because of job interviews. So I wore my black wool pants, white dress shirt with blue vertical pinstrips, black knit sweater and my brown suede jacket. I almost didn't make it past the mirror. I'm actually just a slave to fashion, I may be adorable, but it might just be the clothing.
I have a love affair going with breasts lately. Which is unusual because I am so in love with legs that breasts are usually further done on the list. It's not with humongous breasts either, just small shapely ones. (not huge on the massive breasts, but I still appreciate them.) I'm trying to trace back the origins of my obsession, probably the girl with the red shirt. I'll countinue to post on my progress.
Side Note : my favorite part of the female body is still the nape of the neck and the space between the shoulder blades.
in responce i think i am a friend, who believes what men tell her, totally fall for it, make out hopin it will develop a relationship, and am set on my knees to the realization that it gets me nothing but used and maybe a mean name. i enjoy monogomas sexual relationships. I like the holding of the hands, and the memorization of eahc piece of his body, and how he smelt and what he wore today and what might happen in the even of tomorrow when i get to study a new him. I like the kisses of all sorts we share, and the walks and the stories and secrets and such. But i never get those....
One thing about working all the time is I don't really have to worry about clothing. Uniforms are my primary outfits.
Mmm. Breasts. They sure are pretty