is this the first day, or the last day. i can't really remember. maybe it's just a regular day, and for me it's irregular because of the different decisions. in one sense. i'm leaving a job to go back to school. to leave the security, a regular paycheque, to be unknown about the future again. but i'd rather face the anxious feelings of the unknown, then to be faced with unhappiness in my job everyday... for me the decision was easy.
More Blogs
Friday Mar 26, 2004
My friend wrote a beautiful sentence: "If you were drowning, what … -
Sunday Mar 21, 2004
Tax money came in... so I bought a new camera - and a new camera mean… -
Saturday Mar 20, 2004
A helicopter woke me up, chasing a criminal through downtown I guess.… -
Tuesday Mar 16, 2004
I've stopped smoking so much, but now I've replaced it with a few bee… -
Wednesday Mar 10, 2004
So, how is the day today? Pretty normal. Well, as normal as my days g… -
Monday Mar 08, 2004
~ One April day, we'll go miles away and I'll turn to you and I'll sa… -
Thursday Mar 04, 2004
Reading about conservatives, and I'm taking way too many breaks becau… -
Monday Mar 01, 2004
I was celebrating my departure from Second Cup this weekend, so I wen… -
Saturday Feb 28, 2004
So friday was my last day at work. I quit a week earlier because ther… -
Monday Feb 23, 2004
Since mid-terms are over, I think I'm going to treat myself. And how …