Motley Crue own your ass live, wether you like them or not. I had a blast at each show, even though it was shitty seating at both. The incredible dancing, performing, fire breathing, trapeeze artist girls were the highlight!
At the second gig in London, I was second row from the front and half way through the show this group of bleached blonde girls tottered to the front to scream and shake their boobies at The Crue.
Fair play to them, if you don't want to get with Nikki Sixx then you're probably blind or partially sighted! But what bugs me is that they only danced and got into things when a band member came near them. Only enjoying the show when they are being leered at.
Poetic justice from this disregard to groupie-class, and deconstruction of feminism came when the lights got turned into the crowd. Alas our groupie heros were ugly as sin and they covered their faces, howled and ran away. Shame. The moral of the story is: if you want to get with a rock star- be genuine or apply makeup liberally.
Speaking of makeup- I was at the beach today working on making my pale legs a little less transparent. With uncombed hair and no makeup on! Dun dun duuunnnnnn! Enjoy this rare sight!
No doubt I'll be down there tomorrow. It's so good living less than twenty minutes walks away from a beach!

At the second gig in London, I was second row from the front and half way through the show this group of bleached blonde girls tottered to the front to scream and shake their boobies at The Crue.
Fair play to them, if you don't want to get with Nikki Sixx then you're probably blind or partially sighted! But what bugs me is that they only danced and got into things when a band member came near them. Only enjoying the show when they are being leered at.
Poetic justice from this disregard to groupie-class, and deconstruction of feminism came when the lights got turned into the crowd. Alas our groupie heros were ugly as sin and they covered their faces, howled and ran away. Shame. The moral of the story is: if you want to get with a rock star- be genuine or apply makeup liberally.
Speaking of makeup- I was at the beach today working on making my pale legs a little less transparent. With uncombed hair and no makeup on! Dun dun duuunnnnnn! Enjoy this rare sight!

No doubt I'll be down there tomorrow. It's so good living less than twenty minutes walks away from a beach!

bah,I waited but I had a hot tip about some keanu reeves action on channel 5

Thanks, doll. To mix metaphors: I'm not out of the woods yet, but I've at least gotten my face up out of the dirt.