Goodness me, I don't think I've ever updated so many times before... ever!
I just wanted to thank you all for the congrats- I'm doing a merry jig for you all. Now I have to think of my set intoduction. I'm toying with the idea of trying to sound intelligent, but that will probably fall flat on it's arse. Hmmm
Also- I'm off to see Motley Crue in Birmingham today and London on Sunday. Look out for me! And to make it even better I have backstage passes for the Crue tonight!
I'm under strict instructions from my man not to let him freeze with awe if we meet them- I have to ask for a picture for him!
EDIT: Big balls to it all, the AAA passes fell through. But we were guest list, which made me feel special too
I'm off to see them again in London on Sunday. Don't forget to say hello if you see me!

I just wanted to thank you all for the congrats- I'm doing a merry jig for you all. Now I have to think of my set intoduction. I'm toying with the idea of trying to sound intelligent, but that will probably fall flat on it's arse. Hmmm

Also- I'm off to see Motley Crue in Birmingham today and London on Sunday. Look out for me! And to make it even better I have backstage passes for the Crue tonight!

I'm under strict instructions from my man not to let him freeze with awe if we meet them- I have to ask for a picture for him!

EDIT: Big balls to it all, the AAA passes fell through. But we were guest list, which made me feel special too

(I don't