So I counted up all the votes and contimplated all the reasons, and profile picture number 2 won! And as a piece of exciting
trivia, the mark under my left eye is where my sister's bastard cat tried to scratch my eye out when I tried to apply flea treatment.
I'm not apprechiated I tell you! I'm not apprechiated!
I'm really digging (check me out, I'm hip) the new EvilLyn set.
But I'm a sucker for a gal proudly displaying the 'A'
for her andWednesday
I had a dramatic night out on Friday with ClearBrightFire. We went to a local rock club and had a pretty good night. They played Dead Kennedy's 'Too Drunk to Fuck' which always gets me stomping around. But as soon the night ended things went a little pearshaped. My boyfriend had seemingly not showed up to pick me up, so I was waiting outside the club for ages with my punk buddies. Somehow a fight started up with some passing townies, and before you know it chains and studded belts were flying as we all faught to protect each other. I was good and didn't trow a punch, but I did wrestle a guy to the floor by his neck to prevent him breaking my mate's face in two
who had only stepped in to stop this guy beating up his girlfriend. Tough times.
Today has been better. I have been- sleeping until 2pm, eating very unhealthily (the trouble with me is that when I impose diets upon my self, I can't help rebelling- resulting in weight gain rather than loss *sigh*) Now I am watching Baragain Hunt and drinking a sweet, sweet cup of tea. It's so... delightfully English.
Eh what what g'uvner.
EDIT: Everyone, regardless whether you like Green Day or not sign this petition. If you love me you will
Leah wants a live Green Day DVD

I'm not apprechiated I tell you! I'm not apprechiated!

I'm really digging (check me out, I'm hip) the new EvilLyn set.

But I'm a sucker for a gal proudly displaying the 'A'

I had a dramatic night out on Friday with ClearBrightFire. We went to a local rock club and had a pretty good night. They played Dead Kennedy's 'Too Drunk to Fuck' which always gets me stomping around. But as soon the night ended things went a little pearshaped. My boyfriend had seemingly not showed up to pick me up, so I was waiting outside the club for ages with my punk buddies. Somehow a fight started up with some passing townies, and before you know it chains and studded belts were flying as we all faught to protect each other. I was good and didn't trow a punch, but I did wrestle a guy to the floor by his neck to prevent him breaking my mate's face in two

Today has been better. I have been- sleeping until 2pm, eating very unhealthily (the trouble with me is that when I impose diets upon my self, I can't help rebelling- resulting in weight gain rather than loss *sigh*) Now I am watching Baragain Hunt and drinking a sweet, sweet cup of tea. It's so... delightfully English.
Eh what what g'uvner.
EDIT: Everyone, regardless whether you like Green Day or not sign this petition. If you love me you will

Leah wants a live Green Day DVD

Y'know, I was just looking over your profile again and remembering that you liked Daniel Clowes - aside from David Boring and (i'm assuming) Ghost World -- have you read anything else?