I will be answering the door to all the neighbourhood children foolish to knock upon it in this fashion:
I hope I cause some of the more sensitive children to wet themselves and cry on my doorstep. Did I mention I'm not very maternal?
I'm not sure what I'm meant to be. Earler today I was dressed thus:
Let's just say I shot myself by accident with my banana gun, and now I'm back as a zombie eating flesh in vengence for my own stupidity.
Or something like that.
I've been doing not much else but making coffees for the beautiful, beautiful caffiene addicted public. I saw Dead Men Walking the other day, I don't know if you've heard of them but it's a band featuring Captain Sensible of The Damned, and Slim Jim Phantom of Stray Cats. They were fantastic!
Boo! Rarrrgh! And all that scary rubbish,
Happy Halloween!

I hope I cause some of the more sensitive children to wet themselves and cry on my doorstep. Did I mention I'm not very maternal?
I'm not sure what I'm meant to be. Earler today I was dressed thus:

Let's just say I shot myself by accident with my banana gun, and now I'm back as a zombie eating flesh in vengence for my own stupidity.
Or something like that.
I've been doing not much else but making coffees for the beautiful, beautiful caffiene addicted public. I saw Dead Men Walking the other day, I don't know if you've heard of them but it's a band featuring Captain Sensible of The Damned, and Slim Jim Phantom of Stray Cats. They were fantastic!

Boo! Rarrrgh! And all that scary rubbish,
Happy Halloween!
The top picture makes you look like Bernice from League of Gentlemen! I think it's just the lighting though 

yeah, tommy could beat george no hassle..he has like a 30lb weight advantage over george