Went to a club for the first time in what feels like forever.I got sweaty, danced a little, drank a lot and reminded myself why I hadn't been to a club in this long. The music was shit, the booze was pricey and I didn't have my best friend by my side. I miss nights out with ClearBrightFire. We could make a funeral a party. Here's a pic of my man and I just before we left.
Went straight from work covered in coffee and milk to see my friends in Bowling For Soup. Well I say friends, I'm just mates with Chris. Bonuses about seeing BFS are that I am guaranteed to be one of tallest in the crowd of kiddies, and that their goofy joke-pop always makes me smile. I had a nice time hanging out with Chris after the show
Here's an old picture of us seeing as I didn't take any pictures this time around.
My house officially goes on the market for 125,000
For 123,000. It was sold so quick I have nowhere to move to! I found out at work and I stood on a stool and screamed. Customers proceeded to leave the shop. I'm told not to stand on stools.
Viewed two flats in my nearest city. One had a living room/kitchen. It was mostly kitchen with a sofa in it. Unlivable. I viewed a second property and the rooms were rediculously odd shaped. Unworkable.
Help me! I need somewhere to live!
What have you been up to this week, beautiful, beautiful SG people? I'm incredibly busy with my coffee slinging right now. I'll be paying visits to all your journals on my days off on Monday/Tuesday. Scouts honour!
Went to a club for the first time in what feels like forever.I got sweaty, danced a little, drank a lot and reminded myself why I hadn't been to a club in this long. The music was shit, the booze was pricey and I didn't have my best friend by my side. I miss nights out with ClearBrightFire. We could make a funeral a party. Here's a pic of my man and I just before we left.

Went straight from work covered in coffee and milk to see my friends in Bowling For Soup. Well I say friends, I'm just mates with Chris. Bonuses about seeing BFS are that I am guaranteed to be one of tallest in the crowd of kiddies, and that their goofy joke-pop always makes me smile. I had a nice time hanging out with Chris after the show

My house officially goes on the market for 125,000

For 123,000. It was sold so quick I have nowhere to move to! I found out at work and I stood on a stool and screamed. Customers proceeded to leave the shop. I'm told not to stand on stools.
Viewed two flats in my nearest city. One had a living room/kitchen. It was mostly kitchen with a sofa in it. Unlivable. I viewed a second property and the rooms were rediculously odd shaped. Unworkable.
Help me! I need somewhere to live!
What have you been up to this week, beautiful, beautiful SG people? I'm incredibly busy with my coffee slinging right now. I'll be paying visits to all your journals on my days off on Monday/Tuesday. Scouts honour!


if you don't know where to go living, just come here 

congratulations about the house!! here's hoping that your time in limbo will be just as brief ^_^