AAACK! I never update this thing because I am lazy. I really am mostly just busy with a hint of lazy. Right now I am in Sunny um....Baltimore. It isn't really sunny at all, just cold and desolate. Just the way I left it in September. Other than that there isn't much news. We just made alot of mead and a german witbeir that I can't wait to taste. mmmmm delicious beer. I got a crock pot for christmas! Yay! Now I can cook things really sloooooowly. I also got a new chef's knife. pastry brush and a whole set of pint glasses, rock glasses and martini glasses. I am a lucky girl.
I am a lucky girl that can't wait until Tuesday when she goes the hell back to Boston!
I am a lucky girl that can't wait until Tuesday when she goes the hell back to Boston!

Have a great trip back to Boston.