Thanks to everyone who posted messages of support about the case in Baltimore. They are much needed. We are having alot of trouble retaining legal council for all 28 of us and time is running out because the trial starts on the 26th. We are starting petitions for the charges to be dropped and doing interviews with papers and such trying to get out the info about our case. Other than that I am just hanging out and looking for a better job. It feels like fall in Boston and all the college kids are back as well which makes me sad that I am not in school like I should be. Being poor sucks!
More Blogs
Wednesday Aug 14, 2002
Back from Baltimore alive though I almost strangled a 5 year old boy … -
Tuesday Aug 06, 2002
It feels like fall here and I kinda like it. Not to hot, not too cool… -
Thursday Aug 01, 2002
I have an atrocious no caffiene headache and I am VERY bored. What a … -
Saturday Jul 27, 2002
Not a lot to report. I just got done showering and I smell like grape… -
Thursday Jul 25, 2002
My cold is finally gone! Yay for being able to breath and not leaving… -
Monday Jul 22, 2002
Today is my day off work and of course I get sick all last night and … -
Thursday Jul 18, 2002
The Dunkin Donuts workers at the shop near my house were unusually su… -
Saturday Jul 13, 2002
Yay! I got a new book on ancient egyptian religion! (Liberated from t… -
Monday Jul 08, 2002
So I went home for a few days and it was awesome. I got an air condit… -
Wednesday Jun 26, 2002
It's so hot! I spent most of today sleeping and being lazy which I lo…
if you need any help doing media (writing press releases, psa's, and whatnot) let me know.
i've been working with media for a long time and if y'all need help i'll gladly do what i can.
rock on. eris.