Not a lot to report. I just got done showering and I smell like grapefruit hair goo. Now I am going to apply for a school loan online and wait patiently for exhaustion to take over so I can collapse into bed. Cheers.
that is an incredibally sexy pic of you!
My cold is finally gone! Yay for being able to breath and not leaving little wet tissues everywhere! I have been working as usual, slinging caffienated beverages to yuppies and Harvard students. I am on the hunt for another job that pays more and gives me a steady 40 hours a week. I hope I find something soon but I honestly have no idea where...
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hey! if you live in san fran and get a new job, put a good word in for me! XD
There's nothing quite like cute girls in antifascist underwear. wink
Today is my day off work and of course I get sick all last night and today. I think I only have a cold but I feel like my head is imploding or something. It's the worst!!!! I spent all day yesterday working and then cleaning the room so it is now completely spotless. We even dusted!!!!!! Tonight I am going to cook some yummy...
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yay books! yay dusting! yay big boobies! yay for *knock on wood* getting better very soon from your cold!
what did you cook? did you get a book? what book? are you feeling better? i hope so smile
The Dunkin Donuts workers at the shop near my house were unusually surly and sluggish this evening. Must be the full moon or some shit........

This room is freezing thanks to my air-conditioner yet I still have no desire to remain clothed or move around more than is absolutely neccesary. I have no idea how those new-agey type of people do yoga in 100 degree...
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aww!! yeah best friends ARE the best :-D we would love to have you!! and yes, outdoor sets ARE fun wink especially when you have a hot girl taking the pictures! :-O
hi. i think "naked with a backdrop of stacks of exam gloves and dental bibs for piercing, tons of beer making supplies" sounds like a really good theme for photos!

what nazis are coming there?
Yay! I got a new book on ancient egyptian religion! (Liberated from the Harvard Bookstore thanks to thier remarkably bad security) and I found some awesome fabric with reprints of ancient egyptian tomb paintings on it that is going to become my new bag, as soon as I learn to work my hand held sewing machine. I am very excited about that.

In other news,...
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Hey, I was just gonna email you about Aug 24th, but you seem to already know. smile

See you there!

damn straight mate, those damn neo facists mumfucas. like i tell all of them:

"i'll get you next time gadget, next tiiiiiiiiimmmmmeeee..........Meeeooowwww".

this link is just for you!

So I went home for a few days and it was awesome. I got an air conditioner to bring back with me and I am loving every freezing cold second of it. Other than that work takes up most of my time though lately it has been interupted by a few days of devouring my new book. It's a collection of interviews with Edward Gorey...
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Reading is plenty exciting. So is air conditioning. Reading indoors, well... pass the party hats, baby. I love the great indoors.
It's so hot! I spent most of today sleeping and being lazy which I love. I think in part this was due to caffiene withdrawl from not being at work today. I couldn't even muster the energy to go there and get a free drink. I decided I defintely need more girl friends. I am surrounded by boys all the time! I always have all...
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i would love to see photos of you on SG. You seem pretty intelligent and you are pretty to boot. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
mmm, lying around naked is gooood. especially when reading a good book. especially by edward gorey.
Another long day at work. That's all I seem to do lately. I remember when summer meant being lazy and enjoying the weather. Now it means I have more time to work. Ick. On the up-side it's been sunny and Al's set is up. Those two things made today a pretty good day. Tomorrow I have the day off and I intend to spend every...
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Oh, c'mon, quit complaining. Everyone has to work. If nobody worked, then society would fall apart, and then, why, then we'd have anarchy, goddamit! Complete and total anarchy!

I really didn't mean that comment to be as mean-sounding as it ended up.

Damn the internet and it's inability to properly convey emotion and sarcasm!

It's finally a warm day which means I am going to spend all the hours that I don't have to work hanging out in my room naked with the windows open. Hell yes.
Nakedness. I'd have to say I like it.

Yes. Definitely a thumbs up on that one.

just threw out all of my clothes ... its starts to rain ... but it dont complain
the drop on my body
dripping down from chest to hips
lickin my lips ...

Not too much to report other than my usual annoyance at the distinct lack of summer around these parts. I am extremely jealous of the weather in most of the rest of the US. I need Summer!!!! I am tired as usual so I am off to bed. G'night kids. Hope you all have sweet dreams.
I'm with you! It's been raining here everyday, I mean I like storms and all but not every damn day!

Just thought I'd say hi also since I've never talked to you before smile You're quite adorable too tongue
Summer storms are nice sometime. Rain when it feels like winter still sucks! I guess it's crappy weather everywhere though. And thanks Tatum, yer pretty cute yourself.
"Sleep.....that's where I'm a viking." Ah I love Ralph Wiggum. I think I am going to go be a viking now. Too much work makes me a tired kunt.
"I elska di"
sleep well ...
a photoshoot, viking style
Living by yourself must be great. If boston wasn't so expensive I would do it for sure. No stupid roomates blasting free jazz at two am, no more waking up to bad french hip hop, no more creepy ass traveller kids mysteriously appearing cause one of your roomates friends told them to come here and i bet when you buy food and stuff it stays...
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Bad french hip hop? free jazz? that sounds great! the traveller kids can be a problem, though. I guess I'm lucky because nobody wants to travel through where I live, so any traveller kids who show up are the ones we beg to come by. smile

Oh, and I've lived by myself before. I hated it. It was really lonely.
Yeah, I was thinking today after I wrote that entry that if I lived alone I would become a recluse and speand all day long watching the food network or various things on the Discovery channel. It would be a sad state of affairs so it's probably better that I don't live alone. Not many traveller kids came through Baltimore either probably because there isn't much to see except 10,000 abandoned buildings and a small scene of drunk crusty punk kids. I hear Baltimore has a big mod scene so maybe it's good for mod travellers though.