working things out academically... god senior work is fucking daunting... but i have a great new teacher who will help me... and i randomly met this dude the other day who is an advisee of David Harvey, who is one of the main scholars whose work I draw on in mine and this dude who studies with him was interested in my work about squatters and its just very very exciting. maybe all things do happen for a reason. tensions build and then they break.
in the meantime, spending alot of time with friends and that is good... when summer rolls around i always wonder where all my friends went, and then school starts and there they are again... but now i will graduate and what will become of my little social network? its a wait and see kinda thing i guess.
keep in touch yall
in the meantime, spending alot of time with friends and that is good... when summer rolls around i always wonder where all my friends went, and then school starts and there they are again... but now i will graduate and what will become of my little social network? its a wait and see kinda thing i guess.

keep in touch yall

warrior goddess manifesto
Mother earth gave birth to her daughters.
who have elaborate cycles that move as the moon
moves, and change as the tides change.
we are all warrior goddesses incarnate
Men only try to control us
because we are something to reckon with
Just like they will climb a mountain
with a flag in hand.
they want their own brand for us.
but we will not allow such branding
we are all warrior goddesses incarnate.
I am a sexual being
and men fear that too
so they want to control it
but I am also a intelligent, strong, unique being
and I am controlled by no one
we are all warrior goddesses incarnate
The moon is my sister
and I will not fear when we walk together.
even if I am physically alone.
no one, no shadow, no knife, or gun
will tell me when and where I will walk.
we are all warrior goddesses incarnate.
Together womyn are a force of high tides
rapid winds and rain that could flood a city
and they will try and pull us apart.
but instead we rip through their patriarchy.
we are all warrior goddesses incarnate.
I will not fight my sisters
I will not combeat for beauty
or beat her self-esteem so I may regain my own.
I will love her as I love myself.
and feel lucky when I am in their pressence.
we are all warrior goddessess incarnate.
turn off the TV that says menstral blood is tabu.
your menstral blood is your gate way of choices.
choose to be pregnant, learn your flow and choose
not to be pregnant. our bodies are ours alone.
we are all warrior goddesses incarnate.
Do not limit yourself to men
but do not sleep with womyn for men
womyn together are a force to reckon with, remember.
don't be afraid to hug her at the least.
she is your sister after all.
we are all warrior goddesses incarnate.
when a sister is raped, or beaten
by any man of any background.
we will stand tall and chant his name and shame.
Her voice will be loud and thunderous
not silent and low.
her experience will go down in history
as well as his dirty face
we are all warrior goddesses incarnate.
so read these words, and her me
my sisters. we should pull together
and become the warrior goddesses that
the earth mother intended us to be.
because we are all warrior goddesses incarnate