Hoi my peoples...so i've been hanging out with the cutest boy here in Amsterdam...swear 2 god, he looks like a young, dutch version of jude law. Even cuter, i went to kiss him and discovered that at 20 yrs. of age he had never even kissed anyone. so sweet, but i changed all that. I'm still having loads of fun kickin it with the squatters and some students and pretty much occupying this sexy young thang's houseboat. What sucks is that i think smokin so much weed has taken its toll, or maybe its riding a bike around in this chilly weather, but my throat is sore and my glands are swollen...no good. So i'm working on getting better. I never really started looking for a job, i'm pretty anti-work, so even though i need the money (i literally have none) my dislike of labor works subversivelly against me. but its all good, cuz really there is no way i could go hungry in this town...i just want money so i can smoke weed and drink and oh yeah, buy books for school. but i think my mom will send me some money soon...that will be nice. I miss my mom, in fact, I miss everyone from that side of the ocean...but i'm staying pretty busy here and i know that before i know it my time will be up and i will be reluctantly heading back to the states. i promised everyone i wasn't gonna get totally caught up in this city and want to stay here forever, but i know that i will be so involved here and i've already made such good friends that i know leaving will be hard. anyway, thanx to all who read this and post some comments. its very nice. if anyone ever comes to the netherlands...drop me a line!

...suggest any places to go?