hey ya'll it's election day aaaaahhhhh!!!
I'm kinda scared, but i've fulfilled my civic duty, so now i must play the waiting game and prepare to go nuts (in a productive, action-oriented way) if bush is re-elected (the fuckin misogynist, christian fundamentalist bastard)...or keep an eye on kerry and make sure he doesn't do anything slick...all politicians are assholes, sorry i just have no faith in this fucked up system, especially after last election. i guess i'm pretty un-american, just try and fuck with me, patriot act. but at least kerry's not trying to outlaw gay marriage or turn women into baby-machines...and bush IS. so voting for him wasn't the worst thing in the world to do....plus I voted Green for senate and a few other things, and working families party for everything Green's weren't running for...that makes me feel almost satisfied.
BTW...thanx to Jai Dee and chrislikewhoa and jax for showing up to my b-day party, even though i was so drunk and confused i don't remember much. sorry if i made an ass of myself, i hope you all had fun!

BTW...thanx to Jai Dee and chrislikewhoa and jax for showing up to my b-day party, even though i was so drunk and confused i don't remember much. sorry if i made an ass of myself, i hope you all had fun!

Welcome to the days of the American Taliban.
How we resist will define how the world views us as a people.