so, i haven't really done shit this week, my nephew gave me his cold and so i've kinda just been chilling... once again talking alot of shit about writing my thesis but more or less avoiding it (i did write the first two pages though, so that's something)... sunday was a bit of an odd day cuz first i got an email from my *crush* from new zealand, even tho he said he was going to stay away from email most of the trip and well, he misses me too and it was quite good to hear that and hopefully we will hang out a bit more when he gets back than we have been in the past... and that same day my boyfriend and i decided we should just bite the bullet and talk about our relationship cuz its always so undefined and up in the air, we're either on or off or coming or going but always crazy in love... so i was as honest as i could possibly be with him and told him i am totally confident he's my man, most likely for life, but i don't want to be super-serious right now, cuz i have my eye on my crush, whom he knows about and he was a bit peeved but was like well, what do you want... so i think we're going to try having an open relationship for a while and then probably work towards being more serious, maybe living together once my lease is up again in august... so hopefully that will work out but i'm all about taking it really slow and having my options open (mostly just to screw around with people if i want to, cuz really i'm not looking for anyone else to be in a relationship with)... well, yeah, my hands are totally full, too many fuckin guys....
in other news i hung out with this girl i've been getting to know this past semester who i really really like and we baked pumpkin chocolate chip bread and drank cheap wine and it was really nice, and i'm very excited that i'm finally developing an actual friendship with a girl cuz that's unfortunately all too rare for me... but the female powers are gathering for me here in nyc cuz my best female friend whose been away from the city for the past year and a half and who i haven't seen for like 9 months just got back into town and i'm totally psyched for her to be back...
aaaahhh!!!! only one more week of break which is really nervewracking cuz i really meant to work on my thesis more, but i'm glad i've been relaxing, i'll attempt switching back into school mode this week and see if i can get about 10 more pages written, that would be awesome... but school starting again is always super exciting for me, not only cuz i get to see my buddy the sexy prof, but i also just get really psyched for classes to start again, they should be good this semester, one with this feminist teacher i ADORE, a non-fiction writing class "the personal essay" my fave kind of writing... and the other with another awesome feminist teacher about feminist geography (an amazing field i'll most likely go into alot more in grad school) called "space, place, gender and identity" very very exciting! and those are the only classes i'm taking, on top of two internships and my thesis! busy busy busy, but the more schoolwork i do the less i stress about insignificant shit and just live my life.... ah, school, my one true love.
in other news i hung out with this girl i've been getting to know this past semester who i really really like and we baked pumpkin chocolate chip bread and drank cheap wine and it was really nice, and i'm very excited that i'm finally developing an actual friendship with a girl cuz that's unfortunately all too rare for me... but the female powers are gathering for me here in nyc cuz my best female friend whose been away from the city for the past year and a half and who i haven't seen for like 9 months just got back into town and i'm totally psyched for her to be back...
aaaahhh!!!! only one more week of break which is really nervewracking cuz i really meant to work on my thesis more, but i'm glad i've been relaxing, i'll attempt switching back into school mode this week and see if i can get about 10 more pages written, that would be awesome... but school starting again is always super exciting for me, not only cuz i get to see my buddy the sexy prof, but i also just get really psyched for classes to start again, they should be good this semester, one with this feminist teacher i ADORE, a non-fiction writing class "the personal essay" my fave kind of writing... and the other with another awesome feminist teacher about feminist geography (an amazing field i'll most likely go into alot more in grad school) called "space, place, gender and identity" very very exciting! and those are the only classes i'm taking, on top of two internships and my thesis! busy busy busy, but the more schoolwork i do the less i stress about insignificant shit and just live my life.... ah, school, my one true love.

i was in NYC last may, no idea when ill be back..... come visit in europe