Aaahhhh! That is the sound of relief of an overly-studious girl on break... and it feels so fuckin good... I've vowed to work on my senior work everyday from now until its done but haven't really been doing that, but i have scheduled more interviews, which is really important, i actually think the hardest part is just going to be writing the intro, the literature review, etc--ya know the theoretical setup that puts it all in place... anyway, god i'm so boring this is all i ever write about! Well, honestly tho, it is my LIFE!
Anyway, i got some nice new clothes for xmas and that was cool... and blaine got me "The Essential Billy Bragg" which i've just been playing over and over cuz its good 'n sappy 'n political like only b.b. can do! not to mention a good compilation of his work...
My new years turned out better than those in the past and i actually did get invited to one party (well more of a small get-together) at my buddy oksana's house and that was really cool, i'm starting to really like her and its very cool cuz i don't have many girl friends and i want to and i she really fits the bill perfectly!
Plus blaine had a good time also and liked my 'school friends' and that was nice. We actually, for having a 'fight' before new years and getting all heavy on each other about "what is this relationship about?" had a really nice, long weekend together. I think my thing with him is that i know just how entirely in love with him i am (i mean, its been six years of on and off and we always go back to each other) and that i really want to be with him like -gasp- for life and thats really fuckin scary... especially since i'm so young. But it was wierd cuz his sister just had a baby and i've got my new nephew (btw there's a pic in my folder of me with him) and it makes us want to make babies... There, i said it... I want to make babies with him!
The scary part is i know he really does to, i know if accidents were to happen we would accept the responsibility... which is doubly/tripply scary, but that's just the reality of falling in love and being dedicated to one another, etc. at least for me. Which is funny cuz i'm such an abortion promoter, and i've never had one (actually the only woman in my family to not have one) but i realized that most people don't get to choose who they want to have kids with, it just kinda happens and they go along with it... So if i were to go there and embark on the whole motherhood thing (i will eventually, its just a matter of time) i can't think of anybody better to do it with and the fact that loving him makes me want to reproduce with him and i've known this for a while i just know that its right. I guess my feeling is that things like that, like what you're supposed to do in your life and who with falls into place and when it does it feels right and you'll know "this is what i'm supposed to be doing."
Anyway, i went to barnes and noble the other day cuz i had a fat gift card and i bought some books for him for xmas, the bob dylan "chronicles: volume one" and a book on celtic drawing so he can design me some kick ass tatts that his buddy al will ink on me. Can't wait for that... and he'll really like the books. I also got some books for myself, one thats more academic-y called "Gender, Identity, and Place" i think by linda mcdowell... the other is fun/cool and also serves academic purposes (the best of both worlds, right?) and, best of all, i found it in the 'urban studies' section (which, as luck would have it was right next to the 'women's studies' section--my two fave categories together!) that one's called "tearing down the streets-adventures in urban anarchy" by jeff ferrel and its interesting thus far, but i'll evaluate further when i'm done reading it! I could spend so much money on urban studies books, its ridiculous...
But right now i'm totally broke and just waiting for my financial aid check to come and line my pockets... and then i'll buy my friends iBook and have my very first very own computer! hoorah! Thanks to everyone leaving fun comments on my journal even though i'm oft-times MIA on this site (no pun intended, but I enjoyed the SG interview on MIA recently... my friend steven's a fan) have to pick up a copy of one of her cds...
Anyway, i got some nice new clothes for xmas and that was cool... and blaine got me "The Essential Billy Bragg" which i've just been playing over and over cuz its good 'n sappy 'n political like only b.b. can do! not to mention a good compilation of his work...
My new years turned out better than those in the past and i actually did get invited to one party (well more of a small get-together) at my buddy oksana's house and that was really cool, i'm starting to really like her and its very cool cuz i don't have many girl friends and i want to and i she really fits the bill perfectly!

Anyway, i went to barnes and noble the other day cuz i had a fat gift card and i bought some books for him for xmas, the bob dylan "chronicles: volume one" and a book on celtic drawing so he can design me some kick ass tatts that his buddy al will ink on me. Can't wait for that... and he'll really like the books. I also got some books for myself, one thats more academic-y called "Gender, Identity, and Place" i think by linda mcdowell... the other is fun/cool and also serves academic purposes (the best of both worlds, right?) and, best of all, i found it in the 'urban studies' section (which, as luck would have it was right next to the 'women's studies' section--my two fave categories together!) that one's called "tearing down the streets-adventures in urban anarchy" by jeff ferrel and its interesting thus far, but i'll evaluate further when i'm done reading it! I could spend so much money on urban studies books, its ridiculous...
But right now i'm totally broke and just waiting for my financial aid check to come and line my pockets... and then i'll buy my friends iBook and have my very first very own computer! hoorah! Thanks to everyone leaving fun comments on my journal even though i'm oft-times MIA on this site (no pun intended, but I enjoyed the SG interview on MIA recently... my friend steven's a fan) have to pick up a copy of one of her cds...

VIEW 4 of 4 COMMENTS want to be my friend....what has heresy been telling you?????
it sounds as if you have your hands full. enjoy the break.