sooooo....not a great start to the new year.....having to stay at work 30 mins later than i should have, for no other reason than some fuckers can't be bothered to get to work on time, even when they live just a few blocks away.
i live miles away, and i'm almost always EARLY getting to work, so i have time to eat & such before clocking in....but some other people live a few blocks away, and are 5 - 15 mins late EVERY. SINGLE. FUCKING. DAY.
and so i get stuck on a 25 min call that i should not have even been there to answer, because it was 5 mins after my normal time to clock out when this person comes strolling in, late as usual, when the call came in....literally around 15 seconds after the call comes in.
it's bad enough that i have to be at work for 12 hours straight as it is, leaving very little time for me to do anything in the morning when i get off work (i work nights, if you haven't yet guessed) before i have to get some sleep so i can be rested for work again the next night, and the little time i do get is wasted away because of other people who just don't give a shit.
i mean, i understand that shit happens, and people are late sometimes....even me. i don't mind that. but for FUCK'S SAKE....if you live a few blocks away and you are late every goddamned day, there's something wrong.
and the worst part is that the bosses won't do anything about it, despite me complaining about it several times. i guess my time is worthless to everyone but me. as a co-worker of mine once said: "money doesn't buy me time away from work".
Crown Royal rules. that is all.

i live miles away, and i'm almost always EARLY getting to work, so i have time to eat & such before clocking in....but some other people live a few blocks away, and are 5 - 15 mins late EVERY. SINGLE. FUCKING. DAY.
and so i get stuck on a 25 min call that i should not have even been there to answer, because it was 5 mins after my normal time to clock out when this person comes strolling in, late as usual, when the call came in....literally around 15 seconds after the call comes in.
it's bad enough that i have to be at work for 12 hours straight as it is, leaving very little time for me to do anything in the morning when i get off work (i work nights, if you haven't yet guessed) before i have to get some sleep so i can be rested for work again the next night, and the little time i do get is wasted away because of other people who just don't give a shit.
i mean, i understand that shit happens, and people are late sometimes....even me. i don't mind that. but for FUCK'S SAKE....if you live a few blocks away and you are late every goddamned day, there's something wrong.
and the worst part is that the bosses won't do anything about it, despite me complaining about it several times. i guess my time is worthless to everyone but me. as a co-worker of mine once said: "money doesn't buy me time away from work".
Crown Royal rules. that is all.
its my turn to say FUCK!
i've embraced my short hair now and am actually beginning to enjoy it.