i really should probably get around to doing this more often, huh?
the last month at work kinda sucked (and "kinda" is putting it lightly) because we were short by 2 people, and we had to put in a lot of extra time to help cover their shifts until their replacements could be trained & put into rotation. but i guess the upside is the extra money i made from the overtime, which allowed me to buy some new performance suspension parts for my car that i've been wanting for a while. i'm finally back on my "normal" schedule again (if you can even call my schedule "normal" in the first place), and i'm pretty happy that i'm not scheduled for any extra time whatsoever for this entire month!
i finally get to have some time to myself again!
i bought some Koni adjustable shocks and an adjustable panhard rod (used to center the car's rear axle, and keep it from shifting sideways when carving corners), and i'm about a hair away from ordering some lowering springs to drop the ride height by about 1.2"....but i'm not sure on the springs yet. i've already installed the panhard rod, and it's already helping a lot over the stock piece when making sharp turns, and the shocks (and springs, if i get them) will only improve things a lot more....i just have to get around to deciding on whether or not to get the springs, then take the car to have the stuff installed and get the car re-aligned afterwards.
i got rid of Windows as my primary operating system, and have made the switch to Linux (Xubuntu 7.04, to be exact). so far, it's working out for me pretty well. i think i've overcome the major problems that come with switching from Windows to Linux, but there's still some odds-and-ends things that i need to get worked out....but it will come with time. it kinda sucks having to "go backwards", so to speak (it's really more of a "sidestep" than a step back....i just need to learn how to do the same things in a different way), but at the same time, it's expanding my knowledgebase with computers. maybe if i can get good enough at doing things in Linux, i can get some "official" training and become a Linux admin somewhere.....that would be awesome, way better than what i'm doing now....
well, that's about all i can think of to say for now...so to all you lovely SG's and members:
the last month at work kinda sucked (and "kinda" is putting it lightly) because we were short by 2 people, and we had to put in a lot of extra time to help cover their shifts until their replacements could be trained & put into rotation. but i guess the upside is the extra money i made from the overtime, which allowed me to buy some new performance suspension parts for my car that i've been wanting for a while. i'm finally back on my "normal" schedule again (if you can even call my schedule "normal" in the first place), and i'm pretty happy that i'm not scheduled for any extra time whatsoever for this entire month!

i bought some Koni adjustable shocks and an adjustable panhard rod (used to center the car's rear axle, and keep it from shifting sideways when carving corners), and i'm about a hair away from ordering some lowering springs to drop the ride height by about 1.2"....but i'm not sure on the springs yet. i've already installed the panhard rod, and it's already helping a lot over the stock piece when making sharp turns, and the shocks (and springs, if i get them) will only improve things a lot more....i just have to get around to deciding on whether or not to get the springs, then take the car to have the stuff installed and get the car re-aligned afterwards.
i got rid of Windows as my primary operating system, and have made the switch to Linux (Xubuntu 7.04, to be exact). so far, it's working out for me pretty well. i think i've overcome the major problems that come with switching from Windows to Linux, but there's still some odds-and-ends things that i need to get worked out....but it will come with time. it kinda sucks having to "go backwards", so to speak (it's really more of a "sidestep" than a step back....i just need to learn how to do the same things in a different way), but at the same time, it's expanding my knowledgebase with computers. maybe if i can get good enough at doing things in Linux, i can get some "official" training and become a Linux admin somewhere.....that would be awesome, way better than what i'm doing now....
well, that's about all i can think of to say for now...so to all you lovely SG's and members: