just got back from an awesome 12-day vacation from work last night. spent a few days in OK visiting my cousin & her family, then came back home and went to Houston Fri night to see Marilyn Manson & Slayer. man, that show fucking kicked ass!! although, as much as i like Manson, Slayer's show just blew them out of the water....the level of intensity for Slayer was just far above & beyond Manson. when "Angel Of Death" was played, the entire floor section went NUTS...and i was right in the middle of it all!!
i've been wanting to see Slayer in concert for many years, and for one reason or another, i was never able to catch them when they were in the area....so this was a very, very long-anticipated event for me.
my cousin & I met a cool couple there named Carl & Tracy. we were gonna go hang out with them after the show, but my cousin hadn't seen his girl in a week, so we ended up going home so he wouldn't be in the doghouse for a month
but it's all good, we all exchanged info, so i'm sure there will be more times we can all hang out....
then Saturday night, we went to a really cool magic/comedy show & dinner at Magic Island in Houston. it was somewhat expensive, but it was pretty well worth it. we had a really awesome 3-course meal & drinks, then saw the magic/comedy show. i can't remember the magician's name (probably because i was more fixated on his smoking-hot, scantily-clad assistant Jessica
), but he was pretty good.
all-in-all, a really good (and much-needed) vacation, but unfortunately, all good things must come to an end...i have to return to work tonight (on Labor Day, no less), and i'm not looking forward to it at all. i think the main thing that will make it bearable is that usually when i work on holidays, it's pretty much not all that busy, so it will kinda "ease" me back into my standard routine again. but then again, it's gonna start getting even worse than it was before i went on vacation, because the guy that covered the opposite shift as me (he worked on the nights i had off, and vice-versa) quit on the day i left to go on vacation....which means that i will now have to work even more than usual to help cover his shift until someone can be hired/trained to replace him. this does have the up-side of lots of extra cash....but the down-side of not having any time to spend it, and an increased amount of frustration & stress.
anyway, i'll be working on getting pics (and maybe some video clips) from the Manson/Slayer show up for a bit, so check 'em out.....

my cousin & I met a cool couple there named Carl & Tracy. we were gonna go hang out with them after the show, but my cousin hadn't seen his girl in a week, so we ended up going home so he wouldn't be in the doghouse for a month

then Saturday night, we went to a really cool magic/comedy show & dinner at Magic Island in Houston. it was somewhat expensive, but it was pretty well worth it. we had a really awesome 3-course meal & drinks, then saw the magic/comedy show. i can't remember the magician's name (probably because i was more fixated on his smoking-hot, scantily-clad assistant Jessica

all-in-all, a really good (and much-needed) vacation, but unfortunately, all good things must come to an end...i have to return to work tonight (on Labor Day, no less), and i'm not looking forward to it at all. i think the main thing that will make it bearable is that usually when i work on holidays, it's pretty much not all that busy, so it will kinda "ease" me back into my standard routine again. but then again, it's gonna start getting even worse than it was before i went on vacation, because the guy that covered the opposite shift as me (he worked on the nights i had off, and vice-versa) quit on the day i left to go on vacation....which means that i will now have to work even more than usual to help cover his shift until someone can be hired/trained to replace him. this does have the up-side of lots of extra cash....but the down-side of not having any time to spend it, and an increased amount of frustration & stress.
anyway, i'll be working on getting pics (and maybe some video clips) from the Manson/Slayer show up for a bit, so check 'em out.....