Soon please god I will be financially sorted. What this means of course is able to buy a new laptop. Sad and pathetic, but I can't bear not having net access and so I haven't been spending much time at my place, I've been staying at my mothers. Also much saving means my social life has dropped off the face of the earth. I had the great pleasure of getting arseholed with bateman the other evening, actually I was pretty arseholed already having had lunch (and then taking the afternoon off) with my ex. It's gratifying to know that I don't just get on well with Iggy in the flesh as well as I do online but that I even get on with her man, who previously I'd not known at all. And yes my friend, the evenings escapades must be repeated. Perhaps we'll just have to remember to line our stomachs first this time ,
But literally, by not phoning anyone or hardly going out I've saved about 100 a week.
Once said laptop has been purchased normal service will be resumed because I mean it when I say I'm as bored as fuck.
This has, of course, led me to contemplate deeply on the true meaning of wage slavery. The fact that most of my waking life belongs to another human being doesn't please me at all, and I'm having to stay well away from Wage Labour Profit for fear of chuckng in my job on principle at the worst possible time.
Is it really possible to work 9-5 (or in my case 10-6) doing something you don't hate but dont especially love either and feel like your life means something?
Fucking capitalists. Vive la revelucion!
But literally, by not phoning anyone or hardly going out I've saved about 100 a week.
Once said laptop has been purchased normal service will be resumed because I mean it when I say I'm as bored as fuck.
This has, of course, led me to contemplate deeply on the true meaning of wage slavery. The fact that most of my waking life belongs to another human being doesn't please me at all, and I'm having to stay well away from Wage Labour Profit for fear of chuckng in my job on principle at the worst possible time.
Is it really possible to work 9-5 (or in my case 10-6) doing something you don't hate but dont especially love either and feel like your life means something?
Fucking capitalists. Vive la revelucion!
Sunday was good cos we actually realised what we talked about on Wednesday. Also, I think you discovered I am a musical nerd..hehe