Time for my weekly update! This week I have been mostly preparing for Portobello. For those of you wise enough not to be keeping up with the oh so fascinating events of my life, I've taken a space at Portobello market in one of the arcades. It was actually unusually quiet- Paddys Law the day I'm opening there. No matter. Sold something with a reasonable profit left in it, so paid for the day plus a bit.
Enough of work.
I've mostly been watching films this week, and reading. My best mate has buggered off to the states for a month, so our thursday night dinner and wine evening didn't happen, and won't do for a while now. I went out with my friend Zoe for dinner on monday, and met her new bloke. NIce chap, but I can't see them staying together for long.
So, went on a Michael Caine kick and watched two films which nobody can believe I've never seen before, the Italian Job and Alfie.
The Italian Job: Hmmmm... entertaining enough I suppose, but I really don't see what all the fuss is about.
Alfie: wow, not what I expected at all. I avoided the remake and am told I was wise to do so. The original, well, a hell of a lot more intense than I thought it was going to be. I always thought it was a semi-comedy. Not a bit of it. I liked it, but won't be watching it again in a hurry. I'm a bit of a wimp when it comes to misery.
Also I watched Gohatto, a Japanese period film about a Samurai school in the late 19th century. Dissent, murder and intrigue ensue when a young and beautiful boy joins the school and a number of men fall in love or lust with him. It plays on the question of how much he has invited and capitulated this attention. It's a very nicely made film and a good yarn, but at the end it attempts to get a bit philosophical, and doesn't really pull it off.
Re-watched Hana-Bi, a film directed by the star of Gohatto, Beat Takashi. I watched it a long time ago, and barely remembered it. A very interesting film which moves without warning from scenes of quiet sadness and melancholy to some pretty savage violence. It's an odd one, I have to say. Can't quite work out what I thought of it.
I watched 300, a film I avoided in the cinema. It was exactly the glossy tripe I thought it was going to be. Some entertaining moments, but generally speaking vacuous nonsense. A shame, because the story of the 300 is a pretty compelling one, and there's lots of scope to do something really interesting with it. I was about to say that's what you get when you try to convert comic books to the silver screen (Judge Dread anyone?) but then again, Sin City managed it. I actually think if it wasn't for Sin City this film probably never would have got funding. Total shite, but entertaining enough that I'd probably watch it again with a few beers if a mate suggested it.
Oh, and I watched Coming to America. I love that film. Daft as a brush, and pretty saccharine Hollywood nonsense at times, but it earns it anyway. I love Eddie Murphy.
In other news I've been keeping my head above water pretty nicely with all this distraction tactics! My biggest problem at the moment I think, is that so little of my socialising happens anywhere that doesn't involve a drink or three. Nowadays I really get wiped out even if I don't have a hangover when I drink more than a glass or two. I'm making more of an effort to get my friends out of the pub and bar habit and do other things, but it's not so easy, particularly since if I'm honest, I'm the one with the problem. Most people do work normal hours, so in the evening there are limited options that don't involve being in a pub, club or bar, even if you're out to see live music. I'm getting better at sitting in one of the above without a drink, but I do find it hard, and quite often I just say "fuck it, one won't hurt". Of course one leads to one more. It's ironic that when I was a heavy drinker it didn't bother me at all, and now my alcohol intake is really low, but it causes me more aggravation.
Suggestions for non-drinking evening social activities that don't involve the cinema (I can watch a film by myself!) and do involve leaving my flat will be met with much gratitude, and possibly a prize!
I hope you're all well, and if in my part of the world, not getting too peeved by the crappy weather!
Enough of work.
I've mostly been watching films this week, and reading. My best mate has buggered off to the states for a month, so our thursday night dinner and wine evening didn't happen, and won't do for a while now. I went out with my friend Zoe for dinner on monday, and met her new bloke. NIce chap, but I can't see them staying together for long.
So, went on a Michael Caine kick and watched two films which nobody can believe I've never seen before, the Italian Job and Alfie.
The Italian Job: Hmmmm... entertaining enough I suppose, but I really don't see what all the fuss is about.
Alfie: wow, not what I expected at all. I avoided the remake and am told I was wise to do so. The original, well, a hell of a lot more intense than I thought it was going to be. I always thought it was a semi-comedy. Not a bit of it. I liked it, but won't be watching it again in a hurry. I'm a bit of a wimp when it comes to misery.
Also I watched Gohatto, a Japanese period film about a Samurai school in the late 19th century. Dissent, murder and intrigue ensue when a young and beautiful boy joins the school and a number of men fall in love or lust with him. It plays on the question of how much he has invited and capitulated this attention. It's a very nicely made film and a good yarn, but at the end it attempts to get a bit philosophical, and doesn't really pull it off.
Re-watched Hana-Bi, a film directed by the star of Gohatto, Beat Takashi. I watched it a long time ago, and barely remembered it. A very interesting film which moves without warning from scenes of quiet sadness and melancholy to some pretty savage violence. It's an odd one, I have to say. Can't quite work out what I thought of it.
I watched 300, a film I avoided in the cinema. It was exactly the glossy tripe I thought it was going to be. Some entertaining moments, but generally speaking vacuous nonsense. A shame, because the story of the 300 is a pretty compelling one, and there's lots of scope to do something really interesting with it. I was about to say that's what you get when you try to convert comic books to the silver screen (Judge Dread anyone?) but then again, Sin City managed it. I actually think if it wasn't for Sin City this film probably never would have got funding. Total shite, but entertaining enough that I'd probably watch it again with a few beers if a mate suggested it.
Oh, and I watched Coming to America. I love that film. Daft as a brush, and pretty saccharine Hollywood nonsense at times, but it earns it anyway. I love Eddie Murphy.
In other news I've been keeping my head above water pretty nicely with all this distraction tactics! My biggest problem at the moment I think, is that so little of my socialising happens anywhere that doesn't involve a drink or three. Nowadays I really get wiped out even if I don't have a hangover when I drink more than a glass or two. I'm making more of an effort to get my friends out of the pub and bar habit and do other things, but it's not so easy, particularly since if I'm honest, I'm the one with the problem. Most people do work normal hours, so in the evening there are limited options that don't involve being in a pub, club or bar, even if you're out to see live music. I'm getting better at sitting in one of the above without a drink, but I do find it hard, and quite often I just say "fuck it, one won't hurt". Of course one leads to one more. It's ironic that when I was a heavy drinker it didn't bother me at all, and now my alcohol intake is really low, but it causes me more aggravation.
Suggestions for non-drinking evening social activities that don't involve the cinema (I can watch a film by myself!) and do involve leaving my flat will be met with much gratitude, and possibly a prize!
I hope you're all well, and if in my part of the world, not getting too peeved by the crappy weather!

i change my look all the time, it keeps things interesting! x x
Sorry I haven't gotten back to you! I've been... a little chaotic! You're totally behind on your weekly update.