Saturday seems to be blog day it seems.
This week has been another funny one. I'm feeling a little better and a little worse. I watched Fahrenheit 9/11 which nobody who knows me can believe I hadn't seen before. I've been avoiding it. I was reasonably clued up politically at the time it was made, and there wasn't much in it I didn't know already, but I find visual images and film sequences get to me far deeper, and frankly I don't always need that.
On a side note I think Michael Moore is a spurious manipulative lying journo-scumball. How nice to have one of them on our side for a change.
In a blog towards the beginning of the year I mentioned watching "In the Mood for Love" by Wong Kar Wai. Then, later in the week, I watched the "unofficial" sequel:

I have no idea why it's considered "unofficial" as it's about the same lead characters life after the events of the first film and is by the same director. Principally, it is also concerned with the same concept: loosing, leaving or rejecting love, and the intensity and uncertainty that can exist in a silence hanging between two people.
Honestly I'm not sure what 2046 had to say which wasn't put so much more elegantly and deftly by "...Love". However, it was an extremely pretty film, and had some stunning moments and intreguing ideas. I enjoyed it, but it dragged a bit and was quite derivative (but I suppose that's a directors prerogative when he's copying his own film).
What it did though, was put me in mind of my life, and where I've been headed with regard to the opposite sex. It wasn't entirely fun to realise that the story of the films bear some parallels with my own life.
Throughout the first film the spanish version of "perhaps, perhaps, perhaps" plays ("Quizas, Quizas, Quizas"). It's a reference to the unspoken question which hangs in the air between the two main characters, who's spouses are having an affair, and who are (or are they) falling in love also but are determined "not to be like them".
You all know the song, but if you need your memory refreshed read the lyrics HERE.
When I split up from my long term ex I met a girl. She'd also just split up with her long term boyfriend a few months before, and in the interim had her heart broken by a wanker. She was scared of getting involved again so quickly and I was head-fucked from my last relationship. What was clear is that we really liked each other, but aside a kiss and some very innocent holding hands it was all singing "Quizas, Quizas, Quizas".
In 2046 we're taken through the next relationships in the lead male from "...Love"s life. He, I think, is judging every woman by the standards of what he's lost, and is wandering soullessly through relationships afraid to allow himself to truly connect to the women he is involved with.
I don't think I feel like that. The parallel here isn't so strong, but it's fair to say the girls I've been involved with since Miss Quizas, well, things haven't gone swimmingly. I don't think it's surprising that I don't have a super relationship with every girl I get involved with, but it's tempting to stretch the parallel further than it needs to go, and it's certainly got me thinking.
So the only decent thing to do is neck a bottle of scotch and fuck it all!
I hope you're all doing well. XX
This week has been another funny one. I'm feeling a little better and a little worse. I watched Fahrenheit 9/11 which nobody who knows me can believe I hadn't seen before. I've been avoiding it. I was reasonably clued up politically at the time it was made, and there wasn't much in it I didn't know already, but I find visual images and film sequences get to me far deeper, and frankly I don't always need that.
On a side note I think Michael Moore is a spurious manipulative lying journo-scumball. How nice to have one of them on our side for a change.
In a blog towards the beginning of the year I mentioned watching "In the Mood for Love" by Wong Kar Wai. Then, later in the week, I watched the "unofficial" sequel:
I have no idea why it's considered "unofficial" as it's about the same lead characters life after the events of the first film and is by the same director. Principally, it is also concerned with the same concept: loosing, leaving or rejecting love, and the intensity and uncertainty that can exist in a silence hanging between two people.
Honestly I'm not sure what 2046 had to say which wasn't put so much more elegantly and deftly by "...Love". However, it was an extremely pretty film, and had some stunning moments and intreguing ideas. I enjoyed it, but it dragged a bit and was quite derivative (but I suppose that's a directors prerogative when he's copying his own film).
What it did though, was put me in mind of my life, and where I've been headed with regard to the opposite sex. It wasn't entirely fun to realise that the story of the films bear some parallels with my own life.
Throughout the first film the spanish version of "perhaps, perhaps, perhaps" plays ("Quizas, Quizas, Quizas"). It's a reference to the unspoken question which hangs in the air between the two main characters, who's spouses are having an affair, and who are (or are they) falling in love also but are determined "not to be like them".
You all know the song, but if you need your memory refreshed read the lyrics HERE.
When I split up from my long term ex I met a girl. She'd also just split up with her long term boyfriend a few months before, and in the interim had her heart broken by a wanker. She was scared of getting involved again so quickly and I was head-fucked from my last relationship. What was clear is that we really liked each other, but aside a kiss and some very innocent holding hands it was all singing "Quizas, Quizas, Quizas".
In 2046 we're taken through the next relationships in the lead male from "...Love"s life. He, I think, is judging every woman by the standards of what he's lost, and is wandering soullessly through relationships afraid to allow himself to truly connect to the women he is involved with.
I don't think I feel like that. The parallel here isn't so strong, but it's fair to say the girls I've been involved with since Miss Quizas, well, things haven't gone swimmingly. I don't think it's surprising that I don't have a super relationship with every girl I get involved with, but it's tempting to stretch the parallel further than it needs to go, and it's certainly got me thinking.
So the only decent thing to do is neck a bottle of scotch and fuck it all!
I hope you're all doing well. XX
How true a statement. How many do this. Women included. I'm almost 100 percent sure that even if one doesn't think he may be doing this, he or she does it by subconciously. Some stuff it away in the back of their minds and move on thinkng all is well. Than all of a sudden you wonder where all of these emotions are coming from. We have to "look" eventually and this can be to much for some. I'd like to be one to say I can learn from every failure or set back. Sometimes though, you get so many discouragement can set in making it almost impossible to see anything anymore. Time is always a weird lesson. It does however seem to bring you right back to an emotion or rememberance when you begin to step back into another relationship. Even platonic. I thnk some pain is so great that "detaching" is the safest way to avoid getting hurt.
gosh darnit life.!!...we need love but man...can't we have love and independance? To love and be free? Love and being able to breath? Just mutual coolness? I'v been told by a wise wise man..."It's way better to marry your best friend and not a lover" Well at this point in life I'd settle for that "best freind". I do not "need" to be married either. The whole word although suposedly meant to be set apart has taken on so many changes in this day. Just give me a faithful friend and I'll rest awhile.Plus it's just pressure one should not have to think about. Yet we do dont; we? It's like walking hand in hand along a river. Many see the giant rock (or small pebbles) building up slowing down the flow of the water. How some like to stop right here and decide to not move forward because the rock is to big. Better yet how some blame the pebbles on you. Usually we are the ones, not the rocks that hold us back from moving forward.
Yes it is water.
I wonder if that is oil in my other picture. I only made it a little darker in photoshop. It came out really nice and may be one of my favorite photos I'v taken.