wow, I wish I had the balls and the narcicism to kill myself right now. I fucking got my drivers license suspended and an $800.00 fine. For me that's A LOT of money, and to not have my license means that I can't go out, and I have to find someone to drive me to work and school. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK.
I want to steal a ship and live in international waters and be a pirate ARRRR!
I want to steal a ship and live in international waters and be a pirate ARRRR!
you so fuckin rock!!!!!
if we were both gay...............
well.....never mind. i like girls so does he!
there now lets do the manly thing an go kill something!yeah!
an everyhtig we say is between me an you got it!
esspecailly th pix!
im trusted with these!