Please tell me: do you read my blogs?
I constantly go around my parents house blabbing about something i read or saw on SG and now that I finally joined the site it happens at least 10x more. I know my mom knows what SG is and I guess I just assumed that my dad knew too. Well last night i was messing around on RIPwhen I here the music from Snow's "Shake It" video. So I call my dad in my room and find out that he is watching a show about SG on Showtime, I told him, again, that he could borrow my burlesque DVD when he tells me that this is his first introduction to SG. I was very surprised so I ask him "they're hot aren't they?" I forgot who i was talking to. Instead of hearing the expected "Hell yes!" my hipee guru, pot smoking, hypocritical, meditating, "enlightened", empty promising, control freak dad says "It's not that. I just think they have tapped into a very creative source of self expression that appeals to a lot of people." It's not that what he said isn't true because it is true. It's how he said it. It's like he doesn't want to acknowledge that i'm not 11 anymore. Instead of admitting that we both like SG because of the purdy ladies he has to think of uncomon reason that he likes it. . I guess I will just have to rely on my hipee, pot smoking, wiccan, nose pierced, mom to be the cool parent.

I constantly go around my parents house blabbing about something i read or saw on SG and now that I finally joined the site it happens at least 10x more. I know my mom knows what SG is and I guess I just assumed that my dad knew too. Well last night i was messing around on RIPwhen I here the music from Snow's "Shake It" video. So I call my dad in my room and find out that he is watching a show about SG on Showtime, I told him, again, that he could borrow my burlesque DVD when he tells me that this is his first introduction to SG. I was very surprised so I ask him "they're hot aren't they?" I forgot who i was talking to. Instead of hearing the expected "Hell yes!" my hipee guru, pot smoking, hypocritical, meditating, "enlightened", empty promising, control freak dad says "It's not that. I just think they have tapped into a very creative source of self expression that appeals to a lot of people." It's not that what he said isn't true because it is true. It's how he said it. It's like he doesn't want to acknowledge that i'm not 11 anymore. Instead of admitting that we both like SG because of the purdy ladies he has to think of uncomon reason that he likes it. . I guess I will just have to rely on my hipee, pot smoking, wiccan, nose pierced, mom to be the cool parent.