Urgh, so having been fired uncerimounisly from my old job.. well ok not so much fired as released from contract with no explanation or warning or anything of the sort, which was especially suprising seeing as I was ranked second out of all of our class for training and testing when we were going through the process, I now have nothing to do but sit at home and play WoW all day... I mean things could be worse
Well actually I do have no money comming in so thats no fun for me or the woman but I have decided after two failed attempts at work for big facless companies that my talents lie elsewhere, mainly were I have been trying to get them too for awhile but these jobs kept throwing themselves at me only to fire me later, and that is Broadcasting, preffrebly on Radio and preffrebly about Sports. Now all I have to do is wait till Oct, apply for the course and then if I get it wait untill Jan to start.. so what to do in the meantime... dunno, look for something part timey? Take the time off get me some welfare and get healty again *I should really go for the Colonoscopy I have put off the last 2yrs as my tummy hasnt been good again and im bleeding again could mean more cancer stuff need be pulled out* or mabey work on my writing again something the Chronic Fatiuge really took away from me, I havent written a script for 2yrs or even a short story and it's hard to get myself there again, I was looking at taking a community course for freestyle writing *basically they talk about how to pass writers block or to come back to it after leaving it so long* but I missed the day to sign up for it cause we got the damm book way too late.
All I know is I have all my stories up in my head still I just can't seem to get them out and onto either paper or on the computer and it sucks sooo bad
Well actually I do have no money comming in so thats no fun for me or the woman but I have decided after two failed attempts at work for big facless companies that my talents lie elsewhere, mainly were I have been trying to get them too for awhile but these jobs kept throwing themselves at me only to fire me later, and that is Broadcasting, preffrebly on Radio and preffrebly about Sports. Now all I have to do is wait till Oct, apply for the course and then if I get it wait untill Jan to start.. so what to do in the meantime... dunno, look for something part timey? Take the time off get me some welfare and get healty again *I should really go for the Colonoscopy I have put off the last 2yrs as my tummy hasnt been good again and im bleeding again could mean more cancer stuff need be pulled out* or mabey work on my writing again something the Chronic Fatiuge really took away from me, I havent written a script for 2yrs or even a short story and it's hard to get myself there again, I was looking at taking a community course for freestyle writing *basically they talk about how to pass writers block or to come back to it after leaving it so long* but I missed the day to sign up for it cause we got the damm book way too late.
All I know is I have all my stories up in my head still I just can't seem to get them out and onto either paper or on the computer and it sucks sooo bad
I'll definitely check out Veronica Mars as well. Buffy was like that for me - refused to watch for ages because it sounded so stupid. Actually made fun of friends who watched it. Until I caught a few episodes myself. Without question my fave series of all time now.
But BG is remarkably good.