I have a stack of first year essays to mark. Seriously - I just can't get motivated to do it.
One of the other PhD/Sessionals in my department was saying that it seems like her research always comes last on the pile and that her students and their work get pushed to the top, no matter what. I find the exact opposite. Seriously - I know that you really want to get your essays back but my research is really important...
So - I am sorry, students of mine, I am sorry that I am extremely unenthused about marking your work, it's not you, it's the massive break though I made in my research late last week.
One of the other PhD/Sessionals in my department was saying that it seems like her research always comes last on the pile and that her students and their work get pushed to the top, no matter what. I find the exact opposite. Seriously - I know that you really want to get your essays back but my research is really important...
So - I am sorry, students of mine, I am sorry that I am extremely unenthused about marking your work, it's not you, it's the massive break though I made in my research late last week.