But, I didn't get it on my arm, this is where it is:

This is what I said about it in my last post:
I want to get new ink:
299,792,458 metres per second: This is the speed of light. It might seem a little bit odd for someone like me to get a tattoo of the speed of light, but here is the reasoning behind it:
I'd like to get it running up the inside side of my forearm, so that whenever something happens that I feel shitty about, or embaressed about, or I step away from a situation in which I know I should just put it all up there, I can look down at the speed of light to remind me that the Universe is a huge and expanding rapidly and really every tiny little thing that I do won't really affect the world. This is a little bit about my last entry as well
But, I decided to get it on my foot - obviously, because it's on my foot - because that way I can hide it, because it's a personal thing, I guess. Also, becasue what do you instinctivly do when you feel pissed off or embarresed or you want to say something but can't... you (well, I do anyway) look at the floor. So, instead of having to make the effort to lift my arm, whenever I look at the floor, regardless of the visability of the tattoo at the time, I will know it's there.
Plus, a little bit out of respect for my mum, because I know she didn't want me to get any more tattoos for a while, so she is happier that it's on my foot and not on my arm.
This, I think, has been far too long for an entry about a tattoo that took no more than 10 minutes.
Edit: forgot to add this:
click me