Not a whole bunch is going on today. I took my cello down to get my bridge fixed today. Getting it back on Wednesday. Plus, getting my car back tomorrow! Very exciting. I have such a hot back.
Simon has been offered a job, either in N.Z or in Sydney - he's been a bit unclear on the whole thing. I'm even more confused after his trip, because of a couple of different reasons.
Here is the story. My first day of uni in first year I met this girl, whom I love to bits, and we were doing all the same subjects and became friends. When I broke up with my ex-fiancee I moved out of our place and into her flat. She had this boyfriend at the time, who was in New Zealand - where he was from - sorting some shit out. A few weeks later, he came back and moved out of his place and into our flat. Then our lease was up and we all moved into a hot-shit flat in the city.
As the story goes, they broke up, and he and I stayed in the flat. I moved out and he moved back to New Zealand.
I went to NZ over new years 05/06 and certain things happend.
The he came here over easter and certain things happend.
I am still really good friends with the girl, who knows that Si and I are still friends, but doesn't know about any of thoes certain things.
The Wednesday before Simon arrived here, I met an emo-fringed drummer at my local pub - and certain things happend there.
Then the Wednesday that Simon was here, I happend to kiss the drummer again, even though Simon was here.
The thing is this - I actually really like this fucking drummer.
I didn't go to the pub last wednesday, mainly from having spent large parts of the day with my head in a bucket.
Drummer makes me giggle randomly.

Ah... who doesn't love the MCG, especially when the Pies kick arse on ANZAC day!!!
Was talking about girls who play cello last night ... in a good way, of course.
Ever thought of joining some sort of experimental post-rock orchestra, 'Godspeed You! Black Emperor' style?