I have a stack of first year essays to mark. Seriously - I just can't get motivated to do it.
One of the other PhD/Sessionals in my department was saying that it seems like her research always comes last on the pile and that her students and their work get pushed to the top, no matter what. I find the exact opposite. Seriously - I... Read More
Edited to add: Except it really annoys me when people eat really loudly. It's not that it grosses me out, or anything like that, it is just really annoying. How hard is it to close your mouth and chew, rather than chomp and slurp all over the place?!?
I can study though ALMOST... Read More
I am trying to write an article, based on some research I did last year. The problem is - the work I produced last year from this research was founded on a mythological narrative. Now I am trying to write it out the other way - more from the historical point of view than from the mythological point of view. I have all the research,... Read More
I think I have calmed down a little bit from my last post. I am normally not such an envious person - especially when it is something like this. Maybe the thing that got me is that I had always planned on doing my postgrad overseas. It's not like you can control circumstances like this, and it isn't fair for me to ask my partner... Read More
Being the head of the department doesn't sound so bad. Overseas is overrated, it is just the fact that it appears different that makes it so appealing. It sounds like you have a pretty good thing going there, you can always just go on a trip overseas later to fill that desire and work on what you have there for now.
Okay. Now I have something to say, and it is something I am a little embarrassed to admit. I am envious. Very, very envious. A research student from my department has been accepted into a very prestigious university in the UK to do a D.Phil (that should probably give it away...). In fact, this school is one of my two dream schools (the other is... Read More
I am beginning to suspect that I actually have very little to say. Maybe everything I need to say is coming out already, in other ways. Who knows?
I do have a house-guest, and I cannot wait for her to leave. I like having my own space and not feeling uncomfortable in my own home, which, invariably, I always do when there is an intrusion... Read More
So you're actively seeking a new nemesis before completely defeating your current? Fucking ambitious, I need at least a 3 month nemesis recovery period before entering the market for new nemeses.
I have no real desire to be philosophical regarding my return. I have no desire to impart any wisdom I haven't learned. And yet...
I seem to be a different person than I was before. Reading though old posts I can vaguely remember being, thinking, feeling all of that, but it seem so far away now that, well, it is almost like a book I... Read More