I'm sorry... I'm sorry that I made you wait on the side of the road in the middle of the night... I'm sorry I made you get out of bed... I'm sorry that I'm a bad influence on you... I'm sorry I'm too much of a pussy to put myself on the line.
I always said that I would be willing to put myself on... Read More
At a given day and a given circumstance, you think you have a limit. And you then go for this limit and you touch the limit, and you think, "okay, this is the limit." And soon you touch this limit, something happens and you suddenly can go a little bit further. With your mind power, your determination, your instinct, and your experience as well, you... Read More
You are quaffing the ale, cooled in your stubby, and you reach 10 bottles. Your head is spinning. Someone passes you a Vitoria bitter, and you puke your guts up
I always got horribly bruised on my feet from climbing and knees from floor exercises!!! And random bruising on my arms.
My thighs escaped unscathed (well, to the eyes anyway... they were pretty bloody sore tho!), but a girl in my class always had big black bruises, and it got to the point where her doctor actually sat her down to ask about them. Hehe.
Well - I had a pretty fucked up weekend - work wise - but I am getting a sort-of promotion. From now on I'll be the head bartender for VIP, which means, if any famous people come in (which is pretty unlikley) I will get to run around and organise everything for them.
Also I had one of thoes fleeting "Oh my god, what if... Read More
YAYYY for pole dancing..!! That deserves a serious round of applause - I know how much that position BURNS!! I've got to get back into it, I'm getting lazy and losing all my strength.
The Flying Finn at Ferrari, yes - Kimi is officially going to be racing in red next season, and I am going to buy my tickets to the Melbourne F1 this week - there is no way I'm going to miss Kimi's first race in red.
Other than that, I had a pretty long weekend - got home at 5:30am from work on Saturday,... Read More
Eurotrash! ...That's just down the road from my work (and right near Pole Divas, have you done any of their classes??), but I've never been there. Maybe I'll have to stop by for some Friday pm drinks sometime, especially if there's the offer of cocktails..!
Worked last night, we had a fashion festival party. You would think that a fashion festival party would involve at least some degree of people looking dressed up and swanky. Oh no. Apart from that work was pretty good. Work is going well, actually. I really like my job. I love being a bartender and while I'm not sure I could do... Read More
I LOVE chili... sadly chocolate gives me a headache. Even with that not being the case I don't see how the combination of the two would be anything less then disgusting... but if you say it's good I guess I'll take your word for it.
I am tired and I'm not really sure I feel like working. More like sleeping.
I am not feeling the best today and I feel like wearing devil horns to work. Maybe I will. Just for kicks.
I am sick of everyone talking about boyfriends. More specifically, boyfriends and me. I don't have one and I hate living so far away from the city. Get... Read More
We'll I'll start with a 'sorry'
......and end with a.....I know what you mean about the chilli chocolate thing.....although there is a little chocolate boutique somewhere off of Little Collins St that does a pretty good one......when I think of the name I'll let you know.
PS I had two Asahi's this weekend...on your recommendations.
Hope you feeling better? Where abouts you living in Melb? I'm in Carlton.
Thanks for the comments.
You don't need to lie.....I know you've already got shares!
I've been meaning to ask....how did the quitting end up? God I'm nosey!...sorry.
It is not the diamonds or the birds, the people or the potatoes; it is not any of the nouns. The miracle is the adverbs, the way things are done. It is the way love gets done despite every catastrophe, and look- actually look! - the potatoes have arrived!
Here are just a few examples of reasons why I need to do this: Reason 1 Reason 2 (I'd just like to add here that he did infact break up with... Read More
Well you've listed 5 reasons........having one would probably be enough to justify it.
Saying this, I know its fuckin hard when you have strong feelings for someone...common sense isn't always the easiest path.
You WILL be the better for it in the long run though!
Take care of yourself, x
Hope things are okay though.