so i say i want to have more friends and that is for sure. But it is not quantity, it is quality. All i want is one good one. I have 2 really good ones but they are 8 hours away.
the more I hang out with people the more they disgust me. I like to get out and do things but most of the time it is just a let down.
Whatever, i have just been trying to enjoy myself and my life because i do have it good. I have parents that have my back no batter what, a career, hobbies i get paid for. Other hobbies that keep me active and let me use my plentiful set of talents.
I want to be great. I want to be better. I can only do that on my own.
I have my crew of party friends so i have my fun outlet
I'm not closing people off, im just not worrying about making everyone my friend anymore. Everyone who meets me likes me but like i said i don't have many friends. But who cares, i don't want those people as my friends anyways.
these was just an outlet of thought......
sg friends, of course I love hearing from you but really i come here to vent and tell full truths, it's more for me, im sure none of you really care about this stuff. You guys see the worst of me cause like i said i come hear to just get shit out.
i do love my sg though. I like that you have to pay so it filters out a lot of people. i love that i can come here and talk about things like sex and not be looked down on for it.
Everything on facebook is filter, kinda how you have to pretend to fit in in real life so ignorant people (the majority) don't talk shit about you. It is only a taste of who I truly am. On sg I can be myself completely and i love that.
I can never really be myself, well that is changing now. I couldn't really be "myself". Now it seems inevitable that I will be. a friend I haven't heard from in a while texted me to in an uproar about the mosque being built by the world trade center site. I wrote her back an extended message explaining that I don't care, I am not racist, basically all religions are crimes against humanity, 99% of americans are an utter betrayal to the constitution and the founders so patriotism is bullshit, it is a fake controversy used to sell media and scare "blue collar" morons into doing whatever the republicans want them to do. She used the term sand niggers and I explained that human is going extinct because normal humans are worthless imbeciles who choose their extinction over growing into something of true greatness. She like all the rest of them are already dead and I am just here to watch them rot. I don't expect to hear from her ever again and I hope she realizes what a worthless object she is.