what a strange day....
I'm physically sick and mentally amazed
walking around in a semi-cidal haze
Ahh I could go for a beer float right about now. (that's what we're drinking in my pic.)
and yes before you ask, that IS "Infinitelykaty" ...
and yes she's an amazing person in RL....
you all should be jealous that I get to hang out with her 2-3 times a week
(If you send me $30 I'll get her autograph for you). haha
Well I'm gonna try to make this interesting 'cause I want people to read this (otherwise wtf am I doing this for? lol)
so without further adu'..... the moment you've all been waiting for!
I'm physically sick and mentally amazed
walking around in a semi-cidal haze
Ahh I could go for a beer float right about now. (that's what we're drinking in my pic.)
and yes before you ask, that IS "Infinitelykaty" ...
and yes she's an amazing person in RL....
you all should be jealous that I get to hang out with her 2-3 times a week

(If you send me $30 I'll get her autograph for you). haha
Well I'm gonna try to make this interesting 'cause I want people to read this (otherwise wtf am I doing this for? lol)
so without further adu'..... the moment you've all been waiting for!

And OH MY GOD, OOLONG! I love pancakes and I love bunnies, a bunny with a pancake is just plain funny, he took my dreary days and turned them sunny, but now he's dead and my nose is runny. Hope that doesn't bring down the mood.