Fiinally an evening off. London took me out on the town tonight and we got lost in a town reminiscent of the town from 'Freddys' Dead' complete with toilet paper hanging in dark alleys with suspicious dumpsters. Then we saw the usual PDX vomit on the street, a clingon band, mini kiss walking about, and an actual hip hop old skool dance off. Man got served. I couldn't stop laughing in shock. WHen I went next store to a more familiar bar to wait for her and hide I realized one free drink later how buzzed I was and that was it, the evening was on auto pilot and it is now 7am and I have pushed myself as far as my body and mind will allow now days. Now I am going to space out, get ready for bed, and venture into my mind which is equally as intriguing as it is frightening.
i haven't talked to you in forever... and i miss you damn it... i must stop by your work place soon....
Did you yell at her yet?