So got a new tat yesterday at the SofTx Tat Show.... couldnt help it...there was cool shit all around me and i felt totally in my element... sent a pix to my sisters and of course they were like... "what were you thinking?!?! " and "NO MORE" ...arg! it doesnt upset me anymore ...i just wish they would take a look at the bigger pix.... i dont have any neg thoughts or words when they say "i killed another deer this weekend" (that's not my thing) or the whole Mossy Oak wardrobe...seriously i LOVE camo but freaking mosy oak is like all they wear... and their husbands same...and the kids same.... how much Mossy Oak should a person have in their closet?!?! but whatever... it's their thing and it makes them happy so good for them... i just happen to like tatts...i think it confuses them bc otherwise i am so "normal" to them... whatever that means... i think it just means that i'm "like them" so that makes other stuff ok.... so stupid... i think i'm sounding like i'm whining but i'm really not...there was a time that i did whine about it and let it hurt my feelings that they gave me shit or whatever but now i guess i see that it's just me and they'll get over it...
my room is a mess , must clean!
Shooting Sizemore is on tonight at 9pm C on Vh1~!!! WATCH IT!!!
my room is a mess , must clean!
Shooting Sizemore is on tonight at 9pm C on Vh1~!!! WATCH IT!!!
Shooting Sizemore is probably hilarious good fun. I saw a clip from it where he was at the doctor's office and this guy in the waiting room said he was a huge fan...and that Michael Madsen is a poor man's Tom Sizemore...ew. I think it's the other way around myself. Congrats on the tattoo. 

Thank you about the hair.