I did a LOT of homework today. I still have the really hard stiff LONG papers that I have to work on all weekend. I think the weather is making me depressed. I'm tired and I never feel like doing anything... not even watching tv. I don't know what's up with that. For the most part people liked my poem this week. I cut off half of my hair... I like it. People always say I look best with long hair... but I think it's too intense. I want to feel light and I don't really care what other people think right now. I have to learn to have a hard shell if I'm going to be a good writer... I'm starting with trusting myself and doing what I want.
More Blogs
Friday Apr 13, 2012
I miss having a boyfriend. Guy's are so bad at being boyfriends. I re… -
Tuesday Apr 10, 2012
Bad dreams! I can't sleep. I need a hug. That's what boyfriends are f… -
Thursday Apr 05, 2012
What cha think about the new season start of The Killing? Seems super… -
Thursday Apr 05, 2012
When I grow up I wanna be a nerd! -
Monday Apr 02, 2012
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Friday Mar 30, 2012
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Thursday Mar 22, 2012
Live fast die pretty... though I'm starting to get old... so I'm not … -
Wednesday Mar 21, 2012
Life is full of endless opportunities to have a broken heart. I just … -
Monday Mar 19, 2012
At least pax tickets go on sale soon. I got broken up... I think. I d… -
Sunday Mar 18, 2012
OMG I swear a new guy breaks my heart every week! Well not really. Bu…
It's official...I'm lost to my dirty mind. No, don't send a search party, it's too late for me...
I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling so depressed right now, Ana. But I do like where you're going with that last line. Doing a little of that myself (well, trying to).
Keep at it, I know it's hard work, but from the amount of concern and attention you put into it, it feels to me like the classes are important to you.
I've been reading your updates, but haven't always been in the right state of mind to contribute. (That means I'm watching you! Write more!! Words...goood! hehe)
The weather here brought light rain, but the change affected me more than I expected...know what you mean.