At what point do I become a crazy cat lady. I was 30 in january so it must be soon. I don't actually have any cats. I had 2.
And the brilliantly named Number 3.
Now 3 got run over. She wasn't even 1 year old. Some dickhead must have been going super fast in my tiny little street to hit her. Me and the flatmate at the time were distraught. Not long after that Daisycat stopped coming home. She was out longer and longer times. I am pretty sure she thought "fuck this crazy bastards killed my mate". I see her outside my house in the bushes giving me dirty looks from time to time.
Which brings me to my point. I had this beautiful tattoo of number 3 done on Friday by Amy Savage at Jayne Doe tattoo in Hornchurch.
It's all shiny as I had just had it done. I have a big ol' swollen thigh now and picking clothes is difficult as I don't want to affect the healing. She is a beauty though.
Any way it's just me and Dollydog now.


And the brilliantly named Number 3.
Now 3 got run over. She wasn't even 1 year old. Some dickhead must have been going super fast in my tiny little street to hit her. Me and the flatmate at the time were distraught. Not long after that Daisycat stopped coming home. She was out longer and longer times. I am pretty sure she thought "fuck this crazy bastards killed my mate". I see her outside my house in the bushes giving me dirty looks from time to time.
Which brings me to my point. I had this beautiful tattoo of number 3 done on Friday by Amy Savage at Jayne Doe tattoo in Hornchurch.

It's all shiny as I had just had it done. I have a big ol' swollen thigh now and picking clothes is difficult as I don't want to affect the healing. She is a beauty though.
Any way it's just me and Dollydog now.

That Doggie officially saves U from being labeled a Crazy Cat Lady

Love the kitties. A fitting tribute with the tat!