The Sex Files
Today when I came home J had a surprise for me. He had been looking at Suicide Girls for a while and had decided to shave his area. When he told me, I was excited to see. He was in bed, so the first thing I did was snake my arm under the blanket to feel his skin. I moved my arm down his stomach and suddenly his skin was completely smooth and warmer. Mmm I murmured. Do you like it, he asked softly. I do, I said. Can I see? I asked as I began to pull the blanket down. Okay, he said with a smile.
I pulled the blanket back away from his body so I could see his penis and smooth pubic area. Something about being able to see the color of the skin around his cock was very seductive and aroused me. Do you like it? he asked again. I looked into his eyes and said, Yes. I love it, it makes me want you inside me. With that I took his penis in my mouth and ran my hand lightly over his smooth skin. He made a small, yearning moan and then I took his cock into my mouth all the way down to the end of his shaft, taking his head into my throat. Oh, god, he said as his body convulsed and his penis was pushed further into my mouth. I slowly ran my mouth up and down his shaft as he moaned with pleasure. Ill be right back, I murmured as I quickly got up to put my diaphragm in.
I love you, J said as I climbed back into bed. Will you be on top? I asked. Anything you want, love, was his reply as he moved me onto my back and settled his weight on my body. I kissed his neck and ear and he used the head of his cock to stimulate my clitoris. Then he slowly moved his penis into my cunt as we kissed and gazed into each others eyes. I love you, I moaned softly and J cried my name while he surged into my cunt faster. Our bodies moved together in the complicated rhythm of love as our cries got louder and our bodies moved together faster. I felt Js body convulse as he came inside of me and then his body settled on mine.
After a few moments I said, Thank you, I love you.
I love you, baby, and youre welcome, he replied.
Today when I came home J had a surprise for me. He had been looking at Suicide Girls for a while and had decided to shave his area. When he told me, I was excited to see. He was in bed, so the first thing I did was snake my arm under the blanket to feel his skin. I moved my arm down his stomach and suddenly his skin was completely smooth and warmer. Mmm I murmured. Do you like it, he asked softly. I do, I said. Can I see? I asked as I began to pull the blanket down. Okay, he said with a smile.
I pulled the blanket back away from his body so I could see his penis and smooth pubic area. Something about being able to see the color of the skin around his cock was very seductive and aroused me. Do you like it? he asked again. I looked into his eyes and said, Yes. I love it, it makes me want you inside me. With that I took his penis in my mouth and ran my hand lightly over his smooth skin. He made a small, yearning moan and then I took his cock into my mouth all the way down to the end of his shaft, taking his head into my throat. Oh, god, he said as his body convulsed and his penis was pushed further into my mouth. I slowly ran my mouth up and down his shaft as he moaned with pleasure. Ill be right back, I murmured as I quickly got up to put my diaphragm in.
I love you, J said as I climbed back into bed. Will you be on top? I asked. Anything you want, love, was his reply as he moved me onto my back and settled his weight on my body. I kissed his neck and ear and he used the head of his cock to stimulate my clitoris. Then he slowly moved his penis into my cunt as we kissed and gazed into each others eyes. I love you, I moaned softly and J cried my name while he surged into my cunt faster. Our bodies moved together in the complicated rhythm of love as our cries got louder and our bodies moved together faster. I felt Js body convulse as he came inside of me and then his body settled on mine.
After a few moments I said, Thank you, I love you.
I love you, baby, and youre welcome, he replied.
Correction: I totally had sex with him!